1.1 .................... moves to amend H. F. No. 1726 as follows:
1.2Page 6, after line 11, insert:
1.3 "
(d) A record locator service must provide a mechanism for patients to opt-out
1.4of including their identifying information and information about the location of their
1.5health records in a record locator service. At a minimum, any consent form that permits a
1.6provider to access a record locator service must include a check-box option that allows a
1.7patient to completely opt-out of the record locator service. A provider participating in a
1.8health information exchange with a record locator service who receives a patient's request
1.9to completely opt-out of the record locator service shall be responsible for removing the
1.10patient's information from the record locator service."