1.1 .................... moves to amend H.F. No. 1813 as follows:
1.2Delete everything after the enacting clause and insert:
1.3 "Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 2007 Supplement, section 394.23, is amended to read:
1.5 The board has the power and authority to prepare and adopt by ordinance, a
1.6comprehensive plan. A comprehensive plan or plans when adopted by ordinance must be
1.7the basis for official controls adopted under the provisions of sections
394.21 to
1.8The commissioner of natural resources must provide the natural heritage data from
1.9the county biological survey, if available, to each county for use in the comprehensive
When adopting or updating the comprehensive plan, the board must, if the data is
1.11available to the county, consider natural heritage data resulting from the county biological
1.12survey. The board must consider adopting goals and objectives that will protect open
1.13space and the environment.
1.14 Sec. 2.
1.16 A county adopting or updating a comprehensive plan in a county outside the
1.17metropolitan area as defined by section 473.121, subdivision 2, shall consider adopting
1.18goals and objectives for the preservation of agricultural, forest, wildlife, and open space
1.19land, and minimizing development in sensitive shoreland areas. Within three years of
1.20updating the comprehensive plan, the county shall consider adopting ordinances as part
1.21of the county's official controls that encourage the implementation of the goals and
1.22objectives. The county shall consider the following goals and objectives:
1.23 (1) minimizing the fragmentation and development of agricultural, forest, wildlife,
1.24and open space lands, including consideration of appropriate minimum lot sizes;
1.25 (2) minimizing further development in sensitive shoreland areas;
2.1 (3) minimizing development near wildlife management areas, scientific and natural
2.2areas, and nature centers;
2.3 (4) identification of areas of preference for higher density, including consideration
2.4of existing and necessary water and wastewater services, infrastructure, other services,
2.5and to the extent feasible, encouraging full development of areas previously zoned for
2.6nonagricultural uses;
2.7 (5) encouraging development close to places of employment, shopping centers,
2.8schools, mass transit, and other public and private service centers;
2.9 (6) identification of areas where other developments are appropriate; and
2.10 (7) other goals and objectives a county may identify.
2.11 Sec. 3. Minnesota Statutes 2006, section 394.232, subdivision 6, is amended to read:
2.12 Subd. 6.
Plan update. The county board, or the board of the joint planning district,
2.13shall review and update the community-based comprehensive plan periodically, but at
2.14least every ten years, and submit the updated plan to the office of strategic and long-range
2.15planning for review and comment.
When updating the plan, the county board or the
2.16board of the joint planning district must consider natural heritage data resulting from the
2.17county biological survey. The board must consider adopting goals and objectives that will
2.18protect open space and the environment.
2.19 Sec. 4. Minnesota Statutes 2006, section 462.355, subdivision 1, is amended to read:
2.20 Subdivision 1.
Preparation and review. The planning agency shall prepare the
2.21comprehensive municipal plan. In discharging this duty the planning agency shall
2.22consult with and coordinate the planning activities of other departments and agencies
2.23of the municipality to insure conformity with and to assist in the development of the
2.24comprehensive municipal plan. In its planning activities the planning agency shall
2.25take due cognizance of the planning activities of adjacent units of government and
2.26other affected public agencies. The planning agency shall periodically review the plan
2.27and recommend amendments whenever necessary.
When preparing or recommending
2.28amendments to the comprehensive plan, the planning agency must consider adopting goals
2.29and objectives that will protect open space and the environment.
2.30 Sec. 5. Minnesota Statutes 2006, section 462.357, is amended by adding a subdivision
2.31to read:
2.32 Subd. 1h. Comprehensive plans in greater Minnesota; open spaces. When
2.33adopting or updating a comprehensive plan in a municipality outside the metropolitan
2.34area, as defined by section 473.121, subdivision 2, the municipality shall consider adopting
3.1goals and objectives for the preservation of agricultural, forest, wildlife, and open space
3.2land and the minimization of development in sensitive shoreland areas. Within three years
3.3of updating the comprehensive plan, the municipality shall consider adopting ordinances
3.4as part of the municipality's official controls that encourage the implementation of the
3.5goals and objectives.
3.6 Sec. 6. Minnesota Statutes 2006, section 462.357, is amended by adding a subdivision
3.7to read:
3.8 Subd. 9. Development goals and objectives. In adopting official controls after July
3.91, 2008, in a municipality outside the metropolitan area, as defined by section 473.121,
3.10subdivision 2, the municipality shall consider restricting new residential, commercial, and
3.11industrial development so that the new development takes place in areas subject to the
3.12following goals and objectives:
3.13 (1) minimizing the fragmentation and development of agricultural, forest, wildlife,
3.14open space lands, including consideration of appropriate minimum lot sizes;
3.15 (2) minimizing further development in sensitive shoreland areas;
3.16 (3) minimizing development near wildlife management areas, scientific and natural
3.17areas, and nature centers;
3.18 (4) identification of areas of preference for higher density, including consideration
3.19of existing and necessary water and wastewater services, infrastructure, other services,
3.20and to the extent feasible, encouraging full development of areas previously zoned for
3.21nonagricultural uses;
3.22 (5) encouraging development close to places of employment, shopping centers,
3.23schools, mass transit, and other public and private service centers;
3.24 (6) identification of areas where other developments are appropriate; and
3.25 (7) other goals and objectives a municipality may identify.
3.26 Sec. 7.
3.27 Sections 1 to 6 shall be known as the President Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Bill
3.28to Preserve Agricultural, Forest, Wildlife, and Open Space Land.
3.29 Sec. 8.
3.30 An agricultural and open space preservation task force is created to study state and
3.31local policies and incentives related to encouraging farms, privately owned forest lands,
3.32and other privately owned open spaces to be preserved. The task force shall consist of
3.33one member of the majority party of the senate appointed by the majority leader and one
3.34member of the minority party of the senate appointed by the minority leader; one member
4.1of the majority party in the house of representatives, appointed by the speaker of the house
4.2of representatives, and one member of the minority party in the house of representatives
4.3appointed by the minority leader; and one representative each from the Association of
4.4Minnesota Counties, the League of Minnesota Cities, and the Minnesota Association of
4.5Townships. The task force shall consult with representatives of agricultural groups such as
4.6Farm Bureau and Farmer's Union and may consult with other interested parties, including
4.7appropriate state agencies, as needed. No public member of the task force shall be entitled
4.8to compensation or reimbursements for expenses. Appointments shall be made by July 1,
4.92008, and the first meeting shall be convened by agreement of the senate members no later
4.10than August 1, 2008. The task force shall elect a chair from among its members at the
4.11first meeting. The task force must report its findings with recommendations for proposed
4.12legislation to the chair and ranking minority member of the committees in the house of
4.13representatives and senate with jurisdiction over land use planning no later than January
4.1430, 2009. The task force shall expire on June 30, 2009.
4.15 Sec. 9.
4.16 Sections 1 to 7 are effective July 1, 2008. Section 8 is effective the day following
4.17final enactment."
4.18Amend the title accordingly