1.1 .................... moves to amend the first committee engrossment to H. F. No. 2475
1.2as follows:
1.3Page 26, after line 18 insert:
1.4 "Sec. 27. Minnesota Statutes 2006, section 126C.17, subdivision 11, is amended to
1.6 Subd. 11.
Referendum date. (a) Except for a referendum held under paragraph
1.7(b), any referendum under this section held on a day other than the first Tuesday after
1.8the first Monday in November must be conducted by mail in accordance with section
. Notwithstanding subdivision 9, paragraph (b), to the contrary, in the case of a
1.10referendum conducted by mail under this paragraph, the notice required by subdivision 9,
1.11paragraph (b), must be prepared and delivered by first-class mail at least 20 days before
1.12the referendum.
1.13 (b) In addition to the referenda allowed in subdivision 9, clause (a),
a school district
1.14with an unreserved general fund balance of less than 3.0 percent of its expenditures, as
1.15calculated according to clause (1), may conduct a referendum on the primary election day
1.16as defined in section 200.02, subdivision 3, or the commissioner may grant authority to
1.17a district to hold a referendum on a different day if
: (1) the district's unreserved general
1.18fund balance calculated as of June 30 of the most recent year in accordance with the
1.19Uniform Financial Accounting and Reporting Standards for Minnesota school districts is
1.20less than 3.0 percent of the most recent year's expenditure amount for the same funds; or
1.21(2) the district is in statutory operating debt and has an approved plan or has received an
1.22extension from the department to file a plan to eliminate the statutory operating debt.
1.23 (c) The commissioner must approve, deny, or modify each district's request for a
1.24referendum levy on a different day within 60 days of receiving the request from a district.
1.25EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective for elections held on or after July
1.261, 2008."
1.27Renumber the sections in sequence and correct the internal references
2.1Amend the title accordingly