1.1 .................... moves to amend the committee engrossment to H. F. No. 2475 as
1.3Page 1, after line 27, insert:
1.4 "Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 2007 Supplement, section 120B.021, subdivision 1,
1.5is amended to read:
1.6 Subdivision 1.
Required academic standards. (a) The following subject areas
1.7are required for statewide accountability:
1.8 (1) language arts;
1.9 (2) mathematics;
1.10 (3) science;
1.11 (4) social studies, including history, geography, economics, and government and
1.13 (5)
physical education;
1.14 (6) health
and physical education, for which locally developed academic standards
1.15apply; and
1.16 (6) (7) the arts, for which statewide or locally developed academic standards apply,
1.17as determined by the school district. Public elementary and middle schools must offer at
1.18least three and require at least two of the following four arts areas: dance; music; theater;
1.19and visual arts. Public high schools must offer at least three and require at least one of the
1.20following five arts areas: media arts; dance; music; theater; and visual arts.
1.21 (b) To satisfy the one-half credit physical education requirement under section
1.22120B.024, paragraph (a), clause (5), the state physical education standard under paragraph
1.23(a) of this subdivision must be consistent with either the six physical education standards
1.24developed by the department's quality teaching network or the six National Physical
1.25Education Standards developed by the National Association for Sport and Physical
1.26Education. To satisfy federal reporting requirements for continued funding under Title VII
2.1of the Physical Education for Progress Act, a school district must notify the department, if
2.2applicable, of its intent to comply with this subdivision.
2.3 (c) The commissioner must submit proposed standards in science and social studies
2.4to the legislature by February 1, 2004.
2.5 (d) For purposes of applicable federal law, the academic standards for language arts,
2.6mathematics, and science apply to all public school students, except the very few students
2.7with extreme cognitive or physical impairments for whom an individualized education
2.8plan team has determined that the required academic standards are inappropriate.
2.9An individualized education plan team that makes this determination must establish
2.10alternative standards.
2.11 (e) A school district, no later than the 2007-2008 school year, must adopt graduation
2.12requirements that meet or exceed state graduation requirements established in law or
2.13rule. A school district that incorporates these state graduation requirements before the
2.142007-2008 school year must provide students who enter the 9th grade in or before
2.15the 2003-2004 school year the opportunity to earn a diploma based on existing locally
2.16established graduation requirements in effect when the students entered the 9th grade.
2.17District efforts to develop, implement, or improve instruction or curriculum as a result
2.18of the provisions of this section must be consistent with sections
2.20 (f) The commissioner must include the contributions of Minnesota American Indian
2.21tribes and communities as they relate to the academic standards during the review and
2.22revision of the required academic standards.
2.23EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective the day following final enactment
2.24except that paragraph (a), clause (5), applies to students entering the ninth grade in the
2.252009-2010 school year and later.
2.26 Sec. 2. Minnesota Statutes 2006, section 120B.023, subdivision 2, is amended to read:
2.27 Subd. 2.
Revisions and reviews required. (a) The commissioner of education must
2.28revise and appropriately embed technology and information literacy standards consistent
2.29with recommendations from school media specialists into the state's academic standards
2.30and graduation requirements and implement a review cycle for state academic standards
2.31and related benchmarks, consistent with this subdivision. During each review cycle, the
2.32commissioner also must examine the alignment of each required academic standard and
2.33related benchmark with the knowledge and skills students need for college readiness and
2.34advanced work in the particular subject area.
3.1 (b) The commissioner in the 2006-2007 school year must revise and align the state's
3.2academic standards and high school graduation requirements in mathematics to require
3.3that students satisfactorily complete the revised mathematics standards, beginning in the
3.42010-2011 school year. Under the revised standards:
3.5 (1) students must satisfactorily complete an algebra I credit by the end of eighth
3.6grade; and
3.7 (2) students scheduled to graduate in the 2014-2015 school year or later must
3.8satisfactorily complete an algebra II credit or its equivalent.
3.9The commissioner also must ensure that the statewide mathematics assessments
3.10administered to students in grades 3 through 8 and 11 beginning in the 2010-2011
3.11school year are aligned with the state academic standards in mathematics. The statewide
3.1211th grade mathematics test administered to students under clause (2) beginning in
3.13the 2013-2014 school year must include algebra II test items that are aligned with
3.14corresponding state academic standards in mathematics. The commissioner must
3.15implement a review of the academic standards and related benchmarks in mathematics
3.16beginning in the 2015-2016 school year.
3.17 (c) The commissioner in the 2007-2008 school year must revise and align the state's
3.18academic standards and high school graduation requirements in the arts to require that
3.19students satisfactorily complete the revised arts standards beginning in the 2010-2011
3.20school year. The commissioner must implement a review of the academic standards and
3.21related benchmarks in arts beginning in the 2016-2017 school year.
3.22 (d) The commissioner in the 2008-2009 school year must revise and align the state's
3.23academic standards and high school graduation requirements in science to require that
3.24students satisfactorily complete the revised science standards, beginning in the 2011-2012
3.25school year. Under the revised standards, students scheduled to graduate in the 2014-2015
3.26school year or later must satisfactorily complete a chemistry or physics credit. The
3.27commissioner must implement a review of the academic standards and related benchmarks
3.28in science beginning in the 2017-2018 school year.
3.29 (e) The commissioner in the 2009-2010 school year must revise and align the state's
3.30academic standards and high school graduation requirements in language arts to require
3.31that students satisfactorily complete the revised language arts standards beginning in the
3.322012-2013 school year. The commissioner must implement a review of the academic
3.33standards and related benchmarks in language arts beginning in the 2018-2019 school year.
3.34 (f) The commissioner in the 2010-2011 school year must revise and align the state's
3.35academic standards and high school graduation requirements in social studies to require
3.36that students satisfactorily complete the revised social studies standards beginning in the
4.12013-2014 school year. The commissioner must implement a review of the academic
4.2standards and related benchmarks in social studies beginning in the 2019-2020 school year.
4.3 (g)
The commissioner in the 2018-2019 school year must revise and align the state's
4.4standards and high school graduation requirements in physical education, consistent with
4.5sections 120B.021, subdivision 1, paragraph (a), clause (5), and 120B.024, paragraph (a),
4.6clause (6), to require students to satisfactorily complete the revised physical education
4.7standards beginning in the 2021-2022 school year. The commissioner must implement
4.8a review of the physical education standards and related benchmarks beginning in the
4.92029-2030 school year.
4.10 (h) School districts and charter schools must revise and align local academic
4.11standards and high school graduation requirements in health, physical education, world
4.12languages, and career and technical education to require students to complete the revised
4.13standards beginning in a school year determined by the school district or charter school.
4.14School districts and charter schools must formally establish a periodic review cycle for
4.15the academic standards and related benchmarks in health, physical education, world
4.16languages, and career and technical education.
4.17EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective the day following final enactment
4.18and applies to students entering ninth grade in the 2009-2010 school year and later.
4.19 Sec. 3. Minnesota Statutes 2007 Supplement, section 120B.024, is amended to read:
4.21 (a) Students beginning 9th grade in the 2004-2005 school year and later must
4.22successfully complete the following high school level course credits for graduation:
4.23 (1) four credits of language arts;
4.24 (2) three credits of mathematics, encompassing at least algebra, geometry, statistics,
4.25and probability sufficient to satisfy the academic standard;
4.26 (3) three credits of science, including at least one credit in biology;
4.27 (4) three and one-half credits of social studies, encompassing at least United
4.28States history, geography, government and citizenship, world history, and economics or
4.29three credits of social studies encompassing at least United States history, geography,
4.30government and citizenship, and world history, and one-half credit of economics taught in
4.31a school's social studies, agriculture education, or business department;
4.32 (5) one credit in the arts;
4.33 (6)
one-half credit of physical education; and
4.34 (7) a minimum of
seven six and one-half elective course credits.
5.1 A course credit is equivalent to a student successfully completing an academic
5.2year of study or a student mastering the applicable subject matter, as determined by the
5.3local school district.
5.4 (b) An agriculture science course may fulfill a science credit requirement in addition
5.5to the specified science credits in biology and chemistry or physics under paragraph (a),
5.6clause (3).
5.7 (c) A career and technical education course may fulfill a science, mathematics, or
5.8arts credit requirement in addition to the specified science, mathematics, or arts credits
5.9under paragraph (a), clause (2), (3), or (5).
5.10EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective the day following final enactment
5.11and applies to students entering ninth grade in the 2009-2010 school year and later."
5.12Page 14, after line 26, insert:
5.13 "Sec. 9.
5.15 When available, a school district must post its current local school wellness policy
5.16on its Website.
5.17EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective the day following final enactment."
5.18Renumber the sections in sequence and correct the internal references
5.19Amend the title accordingly