1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 2561 as follows:
1.2Page 1, line 19, strike "$200,000" and insert "
1.3Page 1, line 20, strike "$500,000" and insert "
1.4Page 1, line 21, strike "early childhood and family education"
1.5Page 1, line 22, strike "programs" and insert "
School Readiness, Early Childhood
1.6Family Education, licensed child care"
1.7Page 2, line 7, delete "
, whichever is less,"
1.8Page 2, line 8, after the comma, insert "
whichever is less,"
1.9Page 2, line 13, before "
eligible" insert "
where possible, "
1.10Page 2, delete line 35
1.11Page 3, delete line 7 and insert:
1.12 "Sec. 4.
1.13 This act is effective the day following final enactment."