1.1 .................... moves to amend H.F. No. 2745, the first committee engrossment,
1.2as follows:
1.3Page 21, delete lines 24 to 35 and insert:
(2) plant vegetation only of native ecotypes
1.5to Minnesota and preferably of the local
1.6ecotype using a high diversity of species
1.7grown as close to the restoration site as
1.9(3) when restoring prairies:
1.10(i) the seeds and plant materials must
1.11originate in the same county as the
1.12restoration site or within 25 miles of the
1.13county border, but not across the boundary
1.14of an ecotype region. Ecotype regions
1.15are defined by the Department of Natural
1.16Resources map, "Minnesota Ecotype Regions
1.17Map - County Landscape Groupings Based
1.18on Ecological Subsections," dated February
1.1915, 2007;
1.20(ii) if seeds and plant material described in
1.21(i) are not available then the restoration must
1.22use seeds and plant materials from within the
1.23same ecotype region; or
1.24(iii) if seeds and plant material described in
1.25(i) or (ii) are not available then the restoration
1.26must use seeds and plant material from
2.1within the same ecotype region or within 25
2.2miles of the ecotype region boundary.
2.3Use of seeds and plant materials from beyond
2.4the geographic areas described above must
2.5be expressly approved in the work program."
2.6Page 22, delete lines 1 to 5
2.7Page 22, line 6, delete "
(3)" and insert "
2.8Page 22, line 17, delete "
(4)" and insert "
2.9Page 22, line 21, delete "
(5)" and insert "