1.1    .................... moves to amend H. F. No. 2745, the first committee engrossment,
1.2as follows:
1.3Page 12, line 29, delete "$550,000" and insert "$500,000"
1.4Page 15, after line 27, insert:
"(j) Eurasian Water Milfoil Control Research
1.6$50,000 is from the trust fund to the Board
1.7of Regents of the University of Minnesota
1.8to accelerate research on new approaches to
1.9control Eurasian water milfoil to be tested
1.10on Green Lake in Kandiyohi County. Up to
1.11$50,000 in additional funds from nonstate
1.12sources may be used for this study. This
1.13appropriation is available until June 30, 2011,
1.14at which time the project must be completed
1.15and final products delivered, unless an earlier
1.16date is specified in the work program."