1.1 .................... moves to amend H.F. No. 2745, the first committee engrossment,
1.2as follows:
1.3Page 4, line 24, delete "
On January 2, 2009, the"
1.4Page 4, delete lines 25 to 29
1.5Page 15, after line 27, insert:
1.7$100,000 is from the trust fund to the
1.8commissioner of commerce for a grant to
1.9the City of Mt. Iron Economic Development
1.10Authority, to design in partnership with the
1.11City of Biwabik, Great River Energy, and
1.12Minnesota Power, a modified electricity
1.13pump storage project integrated with
1.14renewable energy production or other energy
1.15resources, and to consider integration of
1.16dewatering activities and municipal well
1.17alternatives. This appropriation is available
1.18until June 30, 2011, at which time the
1.19project must be completed and final products
1.20delivered, unless an earlier date is specified
1.21in the work program. Upon enactment,
1.22the unobligated balance of $150,000
1.23appropriated to the commissioner of natural
1.24resources for wildlife habitat acquisition and
1.25development in Laws 1999, chapter 231,
1.26section 16, subdivision 13, paragraph (m), is
1.27transferred and added to this appropriation."
2.1Page 19, line 23, delete "
$155,000" and insert "
2.2Page 19, line 24 delete "
$155,000" and insert "
2.3Correct the section totals and the appropriation summary