1.1 .................... moves to amend H.F. No. 2996 as follows:
1.2Page 3, delete sections 3 and 4
1.3Page 3, line 3, delete "
commissioner of corrections, in conjunction with" and insert
chief executive officer of MINNCORP with assistance from"
1.5Page 3, line 5, delete "
inmate" and insert "
released offenders"
1.6Page 3, line 6, delete everything before the first period
1.7Page 3, line 7, delete "
July 1, 2008" and insert "
December 1, 2008"
1.8Page 10, line 5, delete "
July 1, 2008" and insert "
March 1, 2009"
1.9Page 10, line 14, delete "
two" and insert "
three" and after "
associations" insert "
1.10including one sheriff, one chief of police, and one member of the Minnesota Police and
1.11Peace Officers Association"
1.12Page 10, line 16, delete "
two representatives" and insert "
one representative" and
1.13delete "
and" and insert "
1.14Page 10, line 17, delete "
two experts" and insert "
one expert"
1.15Page 10, line 18, delete "
three individuals who are" and insert "
one individual who is"
1.16Page 10, line 19, delete "
have" and insert "
1.17Page 10, line 21, delete "
two" and insert "
four" and delete "
that" and insert "
1.18Page 10, line 25, delete "
and" and insert a comma and before the period insert "
1.19and House and Senate fiscal staff"
1.20Page 11, line 8, delete "
reducing" and insert "
1.21Page 11, line 30, delete "
December 1, 2008" and insert "
December 1, 2009"
1.22Page 12, line 1, delete "
TASK FORCE" and insert "
1.23Page 12, line 2, delete "
task force" and insert "
working group"
1.24Page 12, line 10, delete "
task force" and insert "
working group"
1.25Page 12, line 24, delete "
December 1, 2008, the task force" and insert "
February 1,
1.262009, the working group"
1.27Page 12, line 28, delete "
task force" and insert "
working group"
2.1Amend the title as follows:
2.2Page 1, line 11, delete "rehabilitation" and insert "good conduct"
2.3Page 1, line 12, delete "task force" and insert "working group"
2.4Renumber the sections in sequence