1.1 .................... moves to amend H. F. No. 3238, the first engrossment, as follows:
1.2Page 2, line 34, after the period insert "
The rate structure must consider each
1.3residential unit as an individual user in multiple-family dwellings."
1.4Page 3, line 6, after "
users" insert "
, as of the effective date of this act,"
1.5Page 3, delete section 4
1.6Page 3, line 30, after "
Agency," insert "
and with the Metropolitan Council,"
1.7Page 4, line 17, delete "
be contaminated" and insert "
exceed state health standards"
1.8Page 5, after line 28, insert:
1.9 "Sec. 7. Minnesota Statutes 2007 Supplement, section 473.1565, subdivision 1,
1.10is amended to read:
1.11 Subdivision 1.
Planning activities. (a) The Metropolitan Council must carry out
1.12planning activities addressing the water supply needs of the metropolitan area as defined
1.13in section
473.121, subdivision 2. The planning activities must include, at a minimum:
1.14 (1) development and maintenance of a base of technical information needed for
1.15sound water supply decisions including surface and groundwater availability analyses,
1.16water demand projections, water withdrawal and use impact analyses, modeling, and
1.17similar studies
, subject to any applicable requirements under section 103H.176;
1.18 (2) development and periodic update of a metropolitan area master water supply
1.19plan, prepared in cooperation with and subject to the approval of the commissioner
1.20of natural resources, that:
1.21 (i) provides guidance for local water supply systems and future regional investments;
1.22 (ii) emphasizes conservation, interjurisdictional cooperation, and long-term
1.23sustainability; and
1.24 (iii) addresses the reliability, security, and cost-effectiveness of the metropolitan area
1.25water supply system and its local and subregional components;
1.26 (3) recommendations for clarifying the appropriate roles and responsibilities of
1.27local, regional, and state government in metropolitan area water supply;
2.1 (4) recommendations for streamlining and consolidating metropolitan area water
2.2supply decision-making and approval processes; and
2.3 (5) recommendations for the ongoing and long-term funding of metropolitan area
2.4water supply planning activities and capital investments.
2.5 (b) The council must carry out the planning activities in this subdivision in
2.6consultation with the Metropolitan Area Water Supply Advisory Committee established
2.7in subdivision 2."
2.8Renumber the sections in sequence and correct the internal references
2.9Amend the title accordingly