1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 3391, the second engrossment, as follows:
1.2Page 1, after line 20, insert:
1.3 "Sec.1. Minnesota Statutes 2007 Supplement, section 256.01, subdivision 2b, is
1.4amended to read:
1.5 Subd. 2b.
Performance payments. (a) The commissioner shall develop and
1.6implement a pay-for-performance system to provide performance payments to eligible
1.7medical groups and clinics that demonstrate optimum care in serving individuals
1.8with chronic diseases who are enrolled in health care programs administered by the
1.9commissioner under chapters 256B, 256D, and 256L. The commissioner may receive any
1.10federal matching money that is made available through the medical assistance program
1.11for managed care oversight contracted through vendors, including consumer surveys,
1.12studies, and external quality reviews as required by the federal Balanced Budget Act of
1.131997, Code of Federal Regulations, title 42, part 438-managed care, subpart E-external
1.14quality review. Any federal money received for managed care oversight is appropriated
1.15to the commissioner for this purpose. The commissioner may expend the federal money
1.16received in either year of the biennium.
1.17 (b) Effective July 1, 2009, or upon federal approval, whichever is later, the
1.18commissioner shall develop and implement a patient incentive health program to provide
1.19incentives and rewards to patients who are enrolled in health care programs administered
1.20by the commissioner under chapters 256B, 256D, and 256L, and who have agreed to
1.21and have met personal health goals established with the patients' primary care providers
1.22to manage a chronic disease or condition, including but not limited to diabetes, high
1.23blood pressure, and coronary artery disease.
The commissioner shall collaborate with the
1.24commissioner of health and with community-based organizations that conduct chronic
1.25disease consumer education programs targeted at labor, business, faith-based, and health
1.26care constituencies, to avoid duplication of efforts."
1.27Renumber the sections in sequence and correct the internal references
2.1Amend the title accordingly