1.1 .................... moves to amend H.F. No. 3391, the second engrossment, as follows:
1.2Page 49 line 3, delete everything after "
1.3Page 49, line 4, delete everything before "
1.4Page 49, after line 17, insert:
1.5 "
(6) to the greatest extent possible, quality measures must be adjusted for variation
1.6in patient population, to reduce incentives for health care providers to locate outside of
1.7areas with high rates of poverty, a low patient base, or racial or cultural diversity;"
1.8Page 49, line 18, delete "
(6) " and insert "
1.9Page 49, line 24,after the period insert "
This shall not, however, limit the ability of
1.10the commissioner of human services to establish by contract and monitor, as part of its
1.11quality assurance obligations for state health care programs, outcome and performance
1.12measures for nonmedical services and health issues likely to occur in low-income
1.13populations or racial or cultural groups disproportionately represented in state health
1.14care program enrollment, that would likely be underrepresented when using traditional
1.15measures that are based on longer-term enrollment."