1.1 .................... moves to amend H. F. No. 3547, the first engrossment, as follows:
1.2Page 13, after line 16, insert:
1.3 "Sec. 23. Minnesota Statutes 2007 Supplement, section 97A.475, subdivision 7,
1.4is amended to read:
1.5 Subd. 7.
Nonresident fishing. (a) Fees for the following licenses, to be issued
1.6to nonresidents, are:
1.7 (1) to take fish by angling, $37.50;
1.8 (2) to take fish by angling limited to seven consecutive days selected by the licensee,
1.10 (3) to take fish by angling for a 72-hour period selected by the licensee, $22;
1.11 (4) to take fish by angling for a combined license for a family for one or both parents
1.12and dependent children under the age of 16, $50.50;
1.13 (5) to take fish by angling for a 24-hour period selected by the licensee, $8.50;
1.14 (6) to take fish by angling for a combined license for a married couple, limited to 14
1.15consecutive days selected by one of the licensees, $38.50
.; and
1.16 (7) to take fish by spearing from a dark house, $37.50.
1.17 (b) A $2 surcharge shall be added to all nonresident fishing licenses, except licenses
1.18issued under paragraph (a), clause (5). An additional commission may not be assessed
1.19on this surcharge."
1.20Page 13, delete section 24 and insert:
1.21 "Sec. 25. Minnesota Statutes 2007 Supplement, section 97A.475, subdivision 12,
1.22is amended to read:
1.23 Subd. 12.
Fish houses, dark houses, or shelters; nonresident. Fees for fish house
1.24dark house, or shelter licenses for a nonresident are:
1.25 (1) annual, $33;
1.26 (2) seven consecutive days, $19; and
1.27 (3) three-year, $99."
2.1Page 23, after line 3, insert:
2.2 "Sec. 51. Minnesota Statutes 2006, section 97C.371, is amended by adding a
2.3subdivision to read:
2.4 Subd. 5. Nonresidents. Nonresidents may spear from a fish house or dark house."
2.5Page 24, after line 19, insert:
2.6 "Sec. 56.
2.7 The commissioner of natural resources shall adopt rules, including amending
2.8Minnesota Rules, part 6262.0600, to allow taking fish by spear by nonresidents. The
2.9commissioner may use the good cause exemption under Minnesota Statutes, section
2.1014.388, subdivision 1, clause (3), to adopt the rules. Minnesota Statutes, section 14.386,
2.11does not apply except as provided under Minnesota Statutes, section 14.388."