1.1 .................... moves to amend H. F. No. 3547, the second engrossment, as follows:
1.2Page 3, delete section 3 and insert:
1.3 "Sec. 3. Minnesota Statutes 2006, section 84.027, subdivision 15, is amended to read:
1.4 Subd. 15.
Electronic transactions. (a) The commissioner may receive an
1.5application for, sell, and issue any license, stamp, permit, pass, sticker, duplicate safety
1.6training certification, registration, or transfer under the jurisdiction of the commissioner
1.7by electronic means, including by telephone. Notwithstanding section
97A.472, electronic
1.8and telephone transactions may be made outside of the state. The commissioner may:
1.9 (1) provide for the electronic transfer of funds generated by electronic transactions,
1.10including by telephone;
1.11 (2) assign an identification number to an applicant who purchases a hunting or
1.12fishing license or recreational vehicle registration by electronic means, to serve as
1.13temporary authorization to engage in the activity requiring a license or registration until
1.14the license or registration is received or expires;
1.15 (3) charge and permit agents to charge a fee of individuals who make electronic
1.16transactions and transactions by telephone or Internet, including issuing fees and an
1.17additional transaction fee not to exceed $3.50;
1.18 (4)
charge and permit agents to charge a fee to individuals who use electronic bank
1.19cards for payment not to exceed $3.50. An electronic licensing system agent charging
1.20a fee to individuals making an electronic card transaction in person must post a sign
1.21informing individuals of the fee. The sign must be near the point of payment, clearly
1.22visible, and include the amount of the fee;
1.23 (5) establish, by written order, an electronic licensing system commission to be
1.24paid by revenues generated from all sales made through the electronic licensing system.
1.25The commissioner shall establish the commission in a manner that neither significantly
1.26overrecovers nor underrecovers costs involved in providing the electronic licensing
1.27system; and
2.1 (5) (6) adopt rules to administer the provisions of this subdivision.
2.2 (b) The fees established under paragraph (a),
clause clauses (3)
and (4), and
2.3the commission established under paragraph (a), clause
(4) (5), are not subject to the
2.4rulemaking procedures of chapter 14 and section
14.386 does not apply.
2.5 (c) Money received from fees and commissions collected under this subdivision,
2.6including interest earned, is annually appropriated from the game and fish fund and the
2.7natural resources fund to the commissioner for the cost of electronic licensing."
2.8Page 18, line 24, after "
feed" insert "
unless it has been placed by a person"