1.1.................... moves to amend H. F. No. 3612 as follows:
1.2Page 3, line 26, after "
deferment" insert "
1.3Page 3, delete lines 35 and 36
1.4Page 4, delete lines 1 and 2
1.5Page 4, line 22, delete "
and" and after "
(2)" insert "
the address to which the borrower
1.6should send the deferment payment; and (3)"
1.7Page 5, line 19, before "
an" insert "
each borrower who has" and delete "
1.8and insert "
1.9Page 5, line 26, before "
eligible" insert "
each borrower who has an" and delete
borrowers" and insert "
loan" and delete "
have" and insert "
1.11Page 5, line 29, after "
other" insert "
borrowers who have an" and delete "
1.12in foreclosure" and insert "
1.13Page 5, delete lines 32 to 34 and insert:
"Emergency Help For Homeowners in Foreclosure:
1.15IMPORTANT: You are eligible to have the foreclosure of your home stopped
1.16until at least (end of deferment period).
1.17The State of Minnesota recently passed a law which lets homeowners stop a
1.18foreclosure sale. To qualify, you must currently live at the home in foreclosure and intend
1.19to live at the home for at least the next 12 months.
1.20You will also need to complete and sign a special form (called an "affidavit")
1.21and provide that affidavit to us at the following address: (insert address in the state
1.22of Minnesota).
1.23There are many government agencies and nonprofit organizations that can help
1.24you complete this affidavit. For the name and telephone number of an organization near
1.25you, please call the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency (MHFA) at (insert telephone
1.26number/website). The State does not guarantee the advice of these agencies.
2.1Do not delay dealing with the foreclosure because your options for foreclosure
2.2deferment end with the foreclosure sale.""
2.3Page 6, delete lines 1 to 20