1.1    .................... moves to amend H. F. No. 3615 as follows:
1.2Delete everything after the enacting clause and insert:

1.4    (a) The commissioner of human services shall convene a work group and seek
1.5information from counties, juvenile court staff, guardians ad litem, and mental health and
1.6child welfare advocates on the impact of federal regulations that cut funding for targeted
1.7case management services. The work group shall consider the impact these cuts will have
1.8on child protection, mental health, and housing relocation services.
1.9    (b) The commissioner shall issue a report from the work group summarizing the
1.10impact of the federal budget cuts on persons eligible for targeted case management
1.11services and the impact on county budgets. This report shall include budget and policy
1.12strategies to restore service levels to that of year prior to the effective date of the federal
1.13regulations. A preliminary report shall be issued on December 15, 2008."