1.1 .................... moves to amend H.F. No. 3800, the first committee engrossment,
1.2as follows:
1.3Page 60, line 36, delete everything after the period
1.4Page 60, delete line 37
1.5Page 61, after line 1, insert:
1.6 "Sec. 5. Laws 2008, chapter 152, article 3, section 6, is amended to read:
1.7 Sec. 6.
1.8 Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, section
296A.08, subdivision 2, before October
1.91, 2008, the special fuel excise tax is imposed at the following rates:
1.10 (a) Liquefied petroleum gas or propane is taxed at the rate of 16.5 cents per gallon.
1.11 (b) Liquefied natural gas is taxed at the rate of 13.2 cents per gallon.
1.12 (c) Compressed natural gas is taxed at the rate of
$1.1913 $1.913 per thousand
1.13cubic feet; or 22 cents per gasoline equivalent. For purposes of this paragraph, "gasoline
1.14equivalent," as defined by the National Conference on Weights and Measures, is
1.15pounds of gas.
1.16 (d) All other special fuel is taxed at the same rate as the gasoline excise tax as
1.17specified in section 4. The tax is payable in the form and manner prescribed by the
1.19EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective on
the first day of the month
1.20following 21 days after the date of enactment April 1, 2008, and applies to all gasoline,
1.21undyed diesel fuel, and special fuel in distributor storage on that date. This section
1.22expires October 1, 2008.
1.23EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective the day following final enactment."
1.24Page 63, after line 5, insert:
(f) Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes,
1.26section 16A.642, the appropriation under this
2.1subdivision does not expire and may be not
2.3Renumber the sections in sequence and correct the internal references
2.4Amend the title accordingly