1.1 .................... moves to amend H.F. No. 3976, the first committee engrossment,
1.2as follows:
1.3Page 13, after line 32 insert:
1.4 "Sec. 2.
1.5 (a) The commissioner of health shall establish a voluntary statewide roster, and
1.6develop a plan for a registry and certification process for interpreters who provide
1.7high quality, spoken language health care interpreter services. The roster, registry, and
1.8certification process shall be based on the findings and recommendations set forth by the
1.9Interpreter Services Work Group required under Laws 2007, chapter 147, article 12,
1.10section 13. By January 1, 2009, the commissioner must do the following:
1.11 (1) establish a roster of all available interpreters to address access concerns,
1.12particularly in rural areas;
1.13 (2) develop a plan for a registry of spoken language health care interpreters,
1.15 (i) development of standards for registration that set forth educational requirements,
1.16training requirements, demonstration of language proficiency and interpreting skills,
1.17agreement to abide by a code of ethics, and a criminal background check;
1.18 (ii) recommendations for appropriate alternate requirements in languages for which
1.19testing and training programs do not exist;
1.20 (iii) recommendations for appropriate fees; and
1.21 (iv) recommendations for establishing and maintaining the standards for inclusion
1.22in the registry; and
1.23 (3) develop a plan for implementing a certification process based on national
1.24testing and certification processes for spoken language interpreters 12 months after the
1.25establishment of a national certification process.
2.1 (b) The commissioner shall consult with the Interpreter Stakeholder Group of the
2.2Upper Midwest Translators and Interpreters Association for advice on the standards
2.3required to plan for the development of a registry and certification process.
2.4 (c) The commissioner shall charge an annual fee of $50 to include an interpreter in
2.5the roster.
2.6EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective the day following final enactment."
2.7Page 43, after line 31 insert:
Interpreter services quality initiative.
2.9$25,000 is appropriated from the state
2.10government special revenue fund for fiscal
2.11year 2009 to the commissioner of health to
2.12establish a roster and develop a plan for the
2.13registry of health care interpreter services."
2.14Renumber the sections in sequence and correct the internal references
2.15Amend the title accordingly