1.1 .................... moves to amend H. F. No. 4075, the first committee engrossment,
1.2as follows:
1.3Delete everything after the enacting clause and insert:
1.4 "Section 1.
1.6 Subdivision 1. Definitions. (a) The definitions in this subdivision apply to this
1.8 (b) "Bovine tuberculosis management zone" means the area within the ten-mile
1.9radius around the five presumptive tuberculosis-positive deer sampled during the fall
1.102006 hunter-harvested surveillance effort.
1.11 (c) "Located within" means that the herd is kept in the area for at least a part of
1.12calendar year 2007.
1.13 Subd. 2. Cattle herd buyout. (a) The board shall offer a herd buyout payment
1.14to cattle owners with existing cattle that are located within the bovine tuberculosis
1.15management zone. The payment shall be $500 per bovine animal. By July 15, 2008,
1.16the cattle owner must accept or decline the offer for herd buyout payments under this
1.17subdivision. A cattle owner receiving payment under this subdivision must sign a contract
1.18with the board that provides:
1.19 (1) all cattle located within the bovine tuberculosis management zone will be
1.20slaughtered by December 31, 2008;
1.21 (2) the landowner and cattle owner will not have or allow any livestock to be located
1.22on land in the proposed modified accredited zone, unless authorized by the board; and
1.23 (3) a landowner or cattle owner who violates a condition under this subdivision must
1.24repay all payments received under this section and is subject to penalties for violations
1.25under this chapter.
1.26 (b) After the effective date of this section, livestock shall not be moved into the
1.27bovine tuberculosis management zone unless authorized by the board.
2.1 (c) Prior to making any payments under this subdivision, the board shall verify all
2.2cattle for which a contract has been signed under this subdivision have been slaughtered.
2.3 (d) A cattle owner who signs a contract under paragraph (a) or who depopulated an
2.4infected herd shall receive an annual payment of $75 for each bovine animal slaughtered.
2.5The board shall make the first annual payment by June 30, 2009, and make annual
2.6payments by June 30 each year thereafter until the area receives a bovine tuberculosis-free
2.7status and the owner is authorized by the board to have cattle located within the bovine
2.8tuberculosis management zone.
2.9 Subd. 3. Cattle herds remaining in the zone. The board shall conduct a risk
2.10assessment for cattle that remain located within the bovine tuberculosis management zone.
2.11If the board determines that cattle herds within the bovine tuberculosis management
2.12zone present a risk of interaction between cattle and deer or elk, the board shall require
2.13the owner of the cattle to keep all cattle in a manner that does not allow cattle and deer
2.14or elk interface. The board may also require that any person who stores forage crops
2.15within the bovine tuberculosis management zone, including but not limited to a person
2.16who participates in the herd buyout in subdivision 2, must keep stored forage crops in a
2.17manner that does not allow deer or elk access. The board shall offer cost-share assistance
2.18for fencing under subdivision 4 to a person who is required to:
2.19 (1) keep cattle in a manner that does not allow cattle and deer or elk interface; or
2.20 (2) keep stored forage crops in a manner that does not allow deer or elk access.
2.21 Subd. 4. Cost-share assistance for fencing. (a) The board shall provide cost-share
2.22assistance to persons required to fence stored forage crops or fence cattle in areas
2.23where the board determines that there is an unacceptable risk of transmitting bovine
2.24tuberculosis to deer or elk. The cost-share payments shall be 90 percent of the cost of an
2.25approved fence up to a maximum cost-share payment of $75,000. The payments under
2.26this subdivision shall be on a reimbursement basis and paid by the board after the board
2.27determines that the fence is built to the specifications required by the board.
2.28 (b) The board shall establish specifications for fences that qualify for cost-share
2.29assistance under this subdivision and provide cattle owners or those who store forage
2.30crops with a list of approved fencing contractors. The fencing must be constructed and
2.31maintained by an approved fencing contractor, the landowner, or the tenant.
2.32 (c) The board shall periodically inspect fences for which cost-share assistance has
2.33been received under this subdivision. If the board determines that a fence for which
2.34cost-share assistance has been received is not being maintained or used properly, the
2.35board may:
2.36 (1) order that the fence be repaired or used properly; or
3.1 (2) require repayment of any cost-share assistance received by the person and if the
3.2fence was intended to keep cattle in a manner that does not allow cattle and deer or elk
3.3interface, the board may place the herd under quarantine.
3.4 Sec. 2. Minnesota Statutes 2007 Supplement, section 35.244, is amended to read:
3.6 Subdivision 1. Designation of zones. The board has the authority to control
3.7tuberculosis and the movement of cattle, bison, goats, and farmed cervidae within and
3.8between tuberculosis zones in the state. Zones within the state may be designated
3.9as accreditation preparatory, modified accredited, modified accredited advanced, or
3.10accredited free as those terms are defined in Code of Federal Regulations, title 9, part 77.
3.11The board may designate bovine tuberculosis control zones that contain not more than
3.12325 herds.
3.13 Subd. 2. Control within modified accredited zone. In a modified accredited
3.14zone, the board has the authority to:
3.15 (1) require owners of cattle, bison, goats, or farmed cervidae to report personal
3.16contact information and location of livestock to the board;
3.17 (2) require a permit or movement certificates for all cattle, bison, goats, and farmed
3.18cervidae moving between premises within the zone or leaving or entering the zone;
3.19 (3) require official identification of all cattle, bison, goats, and farmed cervidae
3.20within the zone or leaving or entering the zone;
3.21 (4) require a whole-herd tuberculosis test on each herd of cattle, bison, goats, or
3.22farmed cervidae when any of the animals in the herd is kept on a premises within the zone;
3.23 (5) require a negative tuberculosis test within 60 days prior to movement for any
3.24individual cattle, bison, goat, or farmed cervidae moved from a premises in the zone to
3.25another location in Minnesota with the exception of cattle moving under permit directly to
3.26a slaughter facility under state or federal inspection;
3.27 (6) require a whole-herd tuberculosis test within 12 months prior to moving
3.28cattle, bison, goats, or farmed cervidae from a premises in the zone to another location
3.29in Minnesota;
3.30 (7) require annual herd inventories on all cattle, bison, goat, or farmed cervidae
3.31herds; and
3.32 (8) require that a risk assessment be performed to evaluate the interaction of
3.33free-ranging deer and elk with cattle, bison, goat, and farmed cervidae herds and require
3.34the owner to implement the recommendations of the risk assessment.
4.1 Subd. 3. Authority to adopt rules. The board may adopt rules to provide for the
4.2control of tuberculosis in cattle. The rules may include provisions for quarantine, tests,
4.3and such other measures as the board deems appropriate. Federal regulations, as provided
4.4by Code of Federal Regulations, title 9, part 77, and the Bovine Tuberculosis Eradication
4.5Uniform Methods and Rules, are incorporated as part of the rules in this state.
4.6 Sec. 3. Minnesota Statutes 2006, section 97A.045, subdivision 11, is amended to read:
4.7 Subd. 11.
Power to prevent or control wildlife disease. (a) If the commissioner
4.8determines that action is necessary to prevent or control a wildlife disease, the
4.9commissioner may prevent or control wildlife disease in a species of wild animal in
4.10addition to the protection provided by the game and fish laws by further limiting, closing,
4.11expanding, or opening seasons or areas of the state; by reducing or increasing limits in
4.12areas of the state; by establishing disease management zones; by authorizing free licenses;
4.13by allowing shooting from motor vehicles by persons designated by the commissioner;
4.14by issuing replacement licenses for sick animals; by requiring sample collection from
4.15hunter-harvested animals; by limiting wild animal possession, transportation, and
4.16disposition; and by restricting wildlife feeding.
4.17 (b) The commissioner shall restrict wildlife feeding within
a 15-mile radius of
4.18a cattle herd that is infected with bovine tuberculosis the modified accredited bovine
4.19tuberculosis zone proposed by the Board of Animal Health.
In addition to any other
4.20penalties provided by law, a person who violates wildlife feeding restrictions required
4.21under this paragraph may not obtain a hunting license to take a wild animal for two years
4.22after the date of conviction.
4.23 (c) The commissioner may prevent or control wildlife disease in a species of wild
4.24animal in the state by emergency rule adopted under section
84.027, subdivision 13.
4.25 Sec. 4. Minnesota Statutes 2006, section 97A.045, is amended by adding a subdivision
4.26to read:
4.27 Subd. 13. Collection of deer and elk in a bovine tuberculosis zone. The
4.28commissioner of natural resources, in coordination with the Board of Animal Health,
4.29shall remove, upon request, deceased deer and elk within the modified accredited bovine
4.30tuberculosis zone proposed by the Board of Animal Health. The commissioner shall make
4.31a good faith effort to inform the state's residents of this requirement and how a person
4.32may make a deer or elk removal request. The commissioner is not required to continue
4.33these collections once the split state zone is upgraded by the United States Department of
4.34Agriculture to a bovine tuberculosis status of modified accredited advanced or better.
5.1 Sec. 5.
5.3 (a) From January 1, 2009, to December 31, 2009, a person who purchases a beef
5.4cow, heifer, or steer in this state shall collect a bovine tuberculosis control assessment of
5.5$1 per head and shall submit all assessments collected to the commissioner of agriculture
5.6at least once every 30 days. For the purposes of this section, "a person who purchases a
5.7beef cow, heifer, or steer in this state" includes the first purchaser, as defined in Minnesota
5.8Statutes, section 17.53, subdivision 8, paragraph (a), and any subsequent purchaser of the
5.9living animal.
5.10 (b) Money collected under this section shall be deposited in an account in the special
5.11revenue fund and is appropriated to the Board of Animal Health for bovine tuberculosis
5.12control activities.
5.13 (c) Notwithstanding paragraph (a), a person may not collect a bovine tuberculosis
5.14control assessment from a person whose cattle operation is located within a modified
5.15accredited zone established under Minnesota Statutes, section 35.244, unless the cattle
5.16owner voluntarily pays the assessment. The commissioner of agriculture shall publish and
5.17make available a list of cattle producers exempt under this paragraph.
5.18 Sec. 6.
5.19 (a) $472,000 in fiscal year 2008, and $2,252,000 in fiscal year 2009 are appropriated
5.20from the general fund to the Board of Animal Health for monitoring, testing, eradication,
5.21education, outreach, and other activities the board is required to undertake to comply with
5.22federal regulations concerning cattle, bison, goats, and farmed cervidae under a USDA
5.23modified accredited status, and annual payments under Minnesota Statutes, section 35.086.
5.24$80,000 of this appropriation in fiscal year 2009 is for a grant to the North Central Research
5.25Center at Grand Rapids for a study of the best management practices for control of bovine
5.26tuberculosis in pasture. The appropriation for fiscal year 2009 is added to the base.
5.27 (b) $3,160,000 is appropriated in fiscal year 2008 from the general fund to the Board
5.28of Animal Health for cattle herd buyout payments and fencing cost-share assistance under
5.29Minnesota Statutes, section 35.086. This is a onetime appropriation and is available
5.30until spent.
5.31 (c) $150,000 is appropriated in fiscal year 2009 from the general fund to the Board
5.32of Animal Health for a grant to the North Central Research Center at Grand Rapids for
5.33a study of the best management practices for control of bovine tuberculosis in pasture.
5.34This is a onetime appropriation and is available until spent.
5.35 (d) If an appropriation for the same purpose is enacted in 2008 H. F. No. 1812,
5.36article 9, section 3, the comparable appropriation in that act is void.
6.1 Sec. 7.
6.2 Sections 1 to 6 are effective the day following final enactment."
6.3Amend the title accordingly