1.1 .................... moves to amend H.F. No. 4103 as follows:
1.2Page 3, after line 20, insert:
1.3 "
(d) A business applying for and accepting a grant under this section remains bound
1.4by its business subsidy agreement for the remainder of its term. The commissioner may
1.5enforce the terms of the business subsidy agreement. As a condition of the grant, the
1.6commissioner may require the applicant business to amend its business subsidy agreement
1.7to protect the interest of the state and the public in ensuring performance by the business
1.8of its obligations and to provide obligations commensurate with the amount of the grant
1.9or both."
1.10Page 3, line 32, after the period insert "
Any unexpended amount of this appropriation
1.11carries over and is available for fiscal year 2011."
1.12Page 10, line 8, delete "
2007" and insert "
1.13Page 12, delete line 4
1.14Page 12, line 5, delete "
years beginning after"
1.15Page 15, line 3, after the period insert "
The amendment striking clause (17) is
1.16effective for taxable years beginning after December 31, 2007."
1.17Page 27, line 7, after "
subdivisions" insert "