1.1.................... moves to amend S. F. No. 4 as follows:
1.2Page 8, after line 20, insert:
1.3 "Sec. 3.
1.4 (a) Petroleum violation escrow funds appropriated to the commissioner of commerce
1.5by Laws 1988, chapter 686, article 1, section 38, for state energy loan programs for
1.6schools, hospitals, and public buildings must be used for grants to K-12 schools to develop
1.7energy conservation or renewable energy projects. A grant may not exceed $500,000. The
1.8commissioner must endeavor to award grants throughout the regions of the state. No more
1.9than one grant may be awarded in a county, unless an insufficient number of applications
1.10is received from schools located in other counties to exhaust available funds.
1.11 (b) The commissioner of commerce must petition the federal Department of Energy
1.12for a waiver from any federal regulation that limits the proportion of federal funds
1.13expended on state energy programs that may be spent on energy efficiency.
1.14 (c) For purposes of this subdivision "renewable energy" means wind, solar,
1.15hydroelectric with a capacity of less than 60 megawatts, geothermal, hydrogen, fuel cells
1.16made from renewable resources, herbaceous crops, agricultural crops, agricultural waste,
1.17and aquatic plant matter.
1.18EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective the day after the commissioner of
1.19commerce receives the waiver described in paragraph (b)."
1.20Renumber the sections in sequence and correct the internal references
1.21Amend the title accordingly