1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 253, the first engrossment, as follows:
1.2Page 1, line 14, delete "
five or more" and insert "
more than five"
1.3Page 2, line 9, delete "
fewer than five" and insert "
five or fewer"
1.4Page 2, line 32, delete "
or its agent"
1.5Page 3, line 33, delete everything after the comma
1.6Page 3, delete line 34
1.7Page 3, line 35, delete "
by that commercial breeder. Current"
1.8Page 3, line 36, after "
records" insert "
relating to animal care plans and veterinary
1.10Page 4, line 23, delete everything after "
1.11Page 4, delete lines 24 and 25
1.12Page 4, line 26, delete "
procedures." and delete "
or its designated agent"
1.13Page 4, delete lines 34 and 35
1.14Page 5, delete lines 1 and 2
1.15Page 5, line 3, delete "
(c)" and insert "
(b)" and delete "
or its"
1.16Page 5, line 4, delete "
designated agent"
1.17Page 5, line 10, delete "
to perform the work authorized by an agreement under
1.18subdivision 1" and insert "
if it provides assistance in a seizure action"
1.19Page 6, delete lines 14 and 15
1.20Page 6, line 16, delete everything before the period and insert "
A seizure action may
1.21be initiated for violation of section 347.59 for animals determined to be cruelly treated as
1.22defined in section 343.12"
1.23Page 9, line 17, delete "
shall" and insert "