1.1.................... moves to amend the delete everything amendment (H1179DE2) to
1.2H.F. No. 1179 as follows:
1.3Page 39, line 17, delete "
1.4Page 39, line 19, delete "
a supplemental" and insert "
1.5Page 40, line 10, delete "
a supplemental" and insert "
1.6Page 40, line 14, delete everything after the period
1.7Page 40, delete lines 15 to 20
1.8Page 40, line 21, delete "
1.9Page 40, line 23, after the period, insert "
An online learning course or program that
1.10meets or exceeds a graduation standard or grade progression requirements at the enrolling
1.11district as demonstrated on the online provider's syllabus must be considered to meet the
1.12corresponding graduation requirements of the student in the enrolling district. If the
1.13enrolling district decides that the course does not meet its graduation requirements, then:"
1.14Page 40, before line 24, insert:
(1) the district shall provide a written explanation of its decision upon request by
1.16the student, parent or guardian, or online provider;
1.17(2) the district shall allow the online provider the opportunity to respond in writing
1.18to the district's written explanation of its decision for the purpose of describing how the
1.19course may meet the district's graduation requirement; and
1.20(3) the student, parent or guardian, or online provider may request that the
1.21Department of Education review the district's decision to determine whether it is consistent
1.22with this section."
1.23Page 42, line 33, delete the new language and insert "
The online provider must
1.24provide a written statement that: (1) all courses meet state academic standards; and
1.25(2) the online learning curriculum, instruction, and assessment, expectations for actual
1.26teacher-contact time or other student-to-teacher communication, and academic support
2.1meet nationally recognized professional standards and are demonstrated as such in a
2.2syllabus provided according to the commissioner's requirements"
2.3Page 42, delete lines 34 to 35
2.4Page 43, line 1, delete the new language