1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 2972 as follows:
1.2Page 8, line 31, delete "
1.3Page 9, line 1, delete "
(b)" and insert "
1.4Page 9, line 3, delete "
(c)" and insert "
1.5Page 9, line 9, delete "
(d)" and insert "
1.6Page 9, line 11, delete "
(e)" and insert "
1.7Page 9, line 11, delete everything after "
1.8Page 9, delete lines 12 to 15
1.9Page 9, line 16, delete "
1.10Page 9, line 16, before the period, insert "
insurance includes all charges,
1.11commissions, and fees received by the licensee"
1.12Page 9, line 17, delete "
and" and insert "