1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 2, the delete everything amendment
1.2(A09-0404), as follows:
1.3Page 15, line 17, delete "
issued and"
1.4Page 35, line 5, reinstate the stricken language and before "
implement" insert "
1.5Page 35, line 31, delete "
linked" and insert "
1.6Page 60, line 21, delete "
operating levy" and insert "
1.7Page 95, lines 8 and 32, delete "
the day following final enactment" and insert "
1.8the 2010-2011 school year and later"
1.9Page 96, line 28, delete "
the day following final enactment" and insert "
for the
1.102010-2011 school year and later"
1.11Page 112, reinstate the stricken language on lines 11 and 12
1.12Page 127, line 19, delete "
and" and insert "
1.13Page 141, delete section 22 and insert:
1.14 "Sec. 22.
1.15(a) Minnesota Statutes 2008, sections 125A.03; 125A.05; and 125A.18, are repealed.
1.16(b) Minnesota Statutes 2008, sections 121A.66; and 121A.67, subdivision 1, are
1.17repealed effective July 1, 2011.
1.18(c) Minnesota Rules, parts 3525.0210, subparts 5, 6, 9, 13, 17, 29, 30, 46, and 47;
1.193525.1100, subpart 2, item F; and 3525.2900, subpart 5; are repealed effective July 1, 2011.
1.20(d) Minnesota Rules, parts 3525.0210, subparts 34 and 43; 3525.0400; 3525.2445;
1.21and 3525.4220, are repealed effective immediately."
1.22Page 145, delete line 11 and insert "
bonding under section 123B.62, alternative
1.23facilities bonding and levy under section 123B.59, or health and safety revenue under
1.24section 123B.57 from this provision."
1.25Page 170, line 19, delete "
is" and insert "