1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 355 as follows:
1.2Delete everything after the enacting clause and insert:
1.3 "Section 1.
1.5Notwithstanding the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, chapter 282, and any other
1.6law relating to the apportionment of proceeds from the sale of tax-forfeited land, Itasca
1.7County may deposit proceeds from the sale of tax-forfeited lands into a tax-forfeited
1.8land replacement trust fund created in Laws 2006, chapter 236, article 1, section 43, as
1.9amended by Laws 2008, chapter 368, article 1, section 18. The principal and interest from
1.10these proceeds may be spent only on the purchase of lands to replace the tax-forfeited
1.11lands sold to Minnesota Steel Industries or for lands better suited for retention by Itasca
1.12County. Lands purchased with the land replacement fund must:
1.13(1) become subject to trust in favor of the governmental subdivision wherein they lie
1.14and all laws related to tax-forfeited lands; and
1.15(2) be for forest management purposes and dedicated as memorial forest under
1.16Minnesota Statutes, section 459.06, subdivision 2."