1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 403, the first committee engrossment, as
1.3Page 1, line 19, delete "
1.4Page 1, delete lines 20 to 23 and insert "
meets all the specifications in ASTM
1.5Standard Specification for Compostable Plastics (D6400). For purposes of this paragraph,
1.6"metropolitan county" has the"
1.7Page 2, line 13, delete "
1.8Page 2, delete lines 14 to 16 and insert "
a scientifically based standard for
1.9biodegradability is developed and the bags are certified as meeting the standard."
1.10Page 2, line 18, delete everything after the second "
1.11Page 2, delete line 19
1.12Page 2, line 20, delete "
as meeting" and insert "
meets" and delete "
based" and insert
1.13a period
1.14Page 2, line 21, delete everything before "
1.15Page 2, line 22, delete "
the certification" and insert "
that it meets the standard"