1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 591 as follows:
1.2Page 6 delete lines 1 to 3
1.3Page 6, line 4, strike "(c)" and insert "
1.4Page 6, line 6, strike "(d)" and insert "
1.5Page 6, line 10, strike "(e)" and insert "
1.6Page 7, delete section 17 and insert:
1.7 "Sec. 17.
1.8(a) Minnesota Statutes 2008, sections 103F.511, subdivision 4; and 103F.521,
1.9subdivision 2, are repealed.
1.10(b) Minnesota Rules, parts 8400.3000; 8400.3030; 8400.3060; 8400.3110;
1.118400.3130; 8400.3160; 8400.3200; 8400.3210; 8400.3230; 8400.3260; 8400.3300;
1.128400.3330; 8400.3360; 8400.3390; 8400.3400; 8400.3460; 8400.3500; 8400.3530;
1.138400.3560; 8400.3600; 8400.3610; 8400.3630; 8400.3700; 8400.3730; 8400.3800;
1.148400.3830; 8400.3870; and 8400.3930, are repealed."
1.15Amend the title accordingly