1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 935, the delete everything amendment
1.2(H0935DE5), as follows:
1.3Page 3, line 23, delete "
20 business days" and insert "
an opportunity"
1.4Page 3, line 36, delete "
June 30, 2012" and insert "
September 1, 2011"
1.5Page 5, line 5, delete "
1.6Page 5, line 6, delete "
business days" and insert "
an opportunity" and delete "
If" and
1.7delete "
does not" and insert "
must" and after "
address" insert "
1.8Page 5, line 7, delete "
, the commissioner's disapproval is final"
1.9Page 5, line 31, delete "
Upon the request of an individual," and after "
school" insert
, on its official Web site,"
1.11Page 6, line 1, after "
member" insert "
, at least once,"
1.12Page 7, line 29, delete "
30 business days" and insert "
an opportunity"
1.13Page 7, line 32, delete "
commented on" and insert "
approved" and delete "
1.14commissioner's approval or disapproval of"
1.15Page 7, line 33, delete "
a supplemental affidavit is final."
1.16Page 13, line 30, delete "
publication," and insert "
publishing it on its official Web
1.17site and by" and after "
commissioner" delete the comma and insert "
and" and after
authorizer" delete the comma and insert "
and also make it available to the"
1.19Page 13, line 31, delete the first "
and" and after "
school" insert "
, and other
1.20individuals upon request"
1.21Page 15, line 22, delete "
if the leased space is constructed as a school facility"
1.22Page 16, line 5, after "
commissioner" insert "
and receives approval from the
1.24Page 17, line 17, after "least" insert "
180 days before the contract expires and"
1.25and after "before" insert "
giving notice of"
1.26Page 17, line 30, delete "
20" and insert "
1.27Page 18, line 30, strike "a nonprofit corporation under chapter 317A or"