1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 1080 as follows:
1.2Delete everything after the enacting clause and insert:
1.3 "Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 122A.06, subdivision 4, is amended to
1.5 Subd. 4.
Comprehensive, scientifically based scientifically-based reading
1.6instruction. (a) "Comprehensive, scientifically based reading instruction" includes a
1.7program or collection of instructional practices that is based on
reliable, valid
, replicable
1.8 evidence showing that when these programs or practices are used, students can be
1.9expected to achieve, at a minimum, satisfactory reading progress. The program or
1.10collection of practices must include, at a minimum,
effective, balanced instruction in
1.11five areas of reading: phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary
text reading comprehension.
1.13Comprehensive, scientifically based reading instruction also includes and integrates
1.14instructional strategies for continuously assessing, evaluating, and communicating
1.15the student's reading progress and needs in order to design and implement ongoing
1.16interventions so that students of all ages and proficiency levels can read and comprehend
1.17text and apply higher level thinking skills.
1.18 (b) "Fluency" is the ability of students to read text with speed, accuracy, and proper
1.20 (c) "Phonemic awareness" is the ability of students to notice, think about, and
1.21manipulate individual sounds in spoken syllables and words.
1.22 (d) "Phonics" is the understanding that there are systematic and predictable
1.23relationships between written letters and spoken words. Phonics instruction is a way
1.24of teaching reading that stresses learning how letters correspond to sounds and how to
1.25apply this knowledge in reading and spelling.
1.26 (e) "Reading comprehension" is an active process that requires intentional thinking
1.27during which meaning is constructed through interactions between text and reader.
2.1Comprehension skills are taught explicitly by demonstrating, explaining, modeling, and
2.2implementing specific cognitive strategies to help beginning readers derive meaning
2.3through intentional, problem-solving thinking processes.
2.4 (f) "Vocabulary development" is the process of teaching vocabulary both directly
2.5and indirectly, with repetition and multiple exposures to vocabulary items. Learning in
2.6rich contexts, incidental learning, and use of computer technology enhance the acquiring
2.7of vocabulary.
2.8(g) Nothing in this subdivision limits the authority of a school district to select a
2.9school's reading program or curriculum.
2.10EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective the day following final enactment.
2.11 Sec. 2. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 122A.09, subdivision 4, is amended to read:
2.12 Subd. 4.
License and rules. (a) The board must adopt rules to license public school
2.13teachers and interns subject to chapter 14.
2.14(b) The board must adopt rules requiring a person to successfully complete a skills
2.15examination in reading, writing, and mathematics as a requirement for initial teacher
2.16licensure. Such rules must require college and universities offering a board-approved
2.17teacher preparation program to provide remedial assistance to persons who did not
2.18achieve a qualifying score on the skills examination, including those for whom English is
2.19a second language.
2.20(c) The board must adopt rules to approve teacher preparation programs. The board,
2.21upon the request of a postsecondary student preparing for teacher licensure or a licensed
2.22graduate of a teacher preparation program, shall assist in resolving a dispute between the
2.23person and a postsecondary institution providing a teacher preparation program when the
2.24dispute involves an institution's recommendation for licensure affecting the person or the
2.25person's credentials. At the board's discretion, assistance may include the application
2.26of chapter 14.
2.27(d) The board must provide the leadership and shall adopt rules for the redesign of
2.28teacher education programs to implement a research based, results-oriented curriculum
2.29that focuses on the skills teachers need in order to be effective. The board shall implement
2.30new systems of teacher preparation program evaluation to assure program effectiveness
2.31based on proficiency of graduates in demonstrating attainment of program outcomes.
2.32(e) The board must adopt rules requiring
successful completion of candidates for
2.33initial licenses to successfully complete an examination of general pedagogical knowledge
2.34and examinations of licensure-specific teaching skills. The rules shall be effective
on the
2.35dates determined by the board but not later than by September 1, 2001.
The rules under
3.1this paragraph also must require candidates for initial licenses to teach prekindergarten
3.2or elementary students to successfully complete, as part of the examination of
3.3licensure-specific teaching skills, test items assessing the candidates' knowledge, skill, and
3.4ability in comprehensive, scientifically-based reading instruction under section 122A.06,
3.5subdivision 4, and their knowledge and understanding of the foundations of reading
3.6development, the development of reading comprehension, and reading assessment and
3.7instruction, and their ability to integrate that knowledge and understanding.
3.8(f) The board must adopt rules requiring teacher educators to work directly with
3.9elementary or secondary school teachers in elementary or secondary schools to obtain
3.10periodic exposure to the elementary or secondary teaching environment.
3.11(g) The board must grant licenses to interns and to candidates for initial licenses.
3.12(h) The board must design and implement an assessment system which requires a
3.13candidate for an initial license and first continuing license to demonstrate the abilities
3.14necessary to perform selected, representative teaching tasks at appropriate levels.
3.15(i) The board must receive recommendations from local committees as established
3.16by the board for the renewal of teaching licenses.
3.17(j) The board must grant life licenses to those who qualify according to requirements
3.18established by the board, and suspend or revoke licenses pursuant to sections
122A.20 and
. The board must not establish any expiration date for application for life licenses.
3.20(k) The board must adopt rules that require all licensed teachers who are renewing
3.21their continuing license to include in their renewal requirements further preparation in
3.22the areas of using positive behavior interventions and in accommodating, modifying, and
3.23adapting curricula, materials, and strategies to appropriately meet the needs of individual
3.24students and ensure adequate progress toward the state's graduation rule.
3.25(l) In adopting rules to license public school teachers who provide health-related
3.26services for disabled children, the board shall adopt rules consistent with license or
3.27registration requirements of the commissioner of health and the health-related boards who
3.28license personnel who perform similar services outside of the school.
3.29(m) The board must adopt rules that require all licensed teachers who are renewing
3.30their continuing license to include in their renewal requirements further reading
3.31preparation, consistent with section
122A.06, subdivision 4. The rules do not take effect
3.32until they are approved by law. Teachers who do not provide direct instruction including, at
3.33least, counselors, school psychologists, school nurses, school social workers, audiovisual
3.34directors and coordinators, and recreation personnel are exempt from this section.
3.35(n) The board must adopt rules that require all licensed teachers who are renewing
3.36their continuing license to include in their renewal requirements further preparation
4.1in understanding the key warning signs of early-onset mental illness in children and
4.3EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective the day following final enactment
4.4and applies to teacher candidates beginning January 1, 2011.
4.5 Sec. 3. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 122A.18, subdivision 2a, is amended to read:
4.6 Subd. 2a.
Reading strategies. (a) All colleges and universities approved by the
4.7Board of Teaching to prepare persons for classroom teacher licensure must include in their
4.8teacher preparation programs research-based best practices in reading, consistent with
122A.06, subdivision 4, that enable the licensure candidate to know how to teach
4.10reading in the candidate's content areas
. These colleges and universities also must prepare
4.11candidates for initial licenses to teach prekindergarten or elementary students for the
4.12assessment of reading instruction portion of the examination of licensure-specific teaching
4.13skills under section 122A.09, subdivision 4, paragraph (e).
4.14(b) Board-approved teacher preparation programs for teachers of elementary
4.15education must require instruction in the application of comprehensive, scientifically
4.16based, and balanced reading instruction programs that:
4.17(1) teach students to read using foundational knowledge, practices, and strategies
4.18consistent with section
122A.06, subdivision 4, so that all students will achieve continuous
4.19progress in reading; and
4.20(2) teach specialized instruction in reading strategies, interventions, and remediations
4.21that enable students of all ages and proficiency levels to become proficient readers.
4.22(c) Nothing in this section limits the authority of a school district to select a school's
4.23reading program or curriculum.
4.24EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective the day following final enactment.
4.25 Sec. 4.
4.26 (a) By January 1, 2011, the Board of Teaching shall administer the assessment of
4.27reading instruction portion of the examination of licensure-specific teaching skills for all
4.28candidates for initial licenses to teach prekindergarten or elementary students, consistent
4.29with Minnesota Statutes, section 122A.09, subdivision 4, paragraph (e).
4.30 (b) The Board of Teaching shall report to the legislative committees with jurisdiction
4.31over prekindergarten through grade 12 education policy by March 15, 2011, on the
4.32assessment of reading instruction portion of the examination of licensure-specific teaching
4.33skills under paragraph (a).
5.1EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective the day following final enactment
5.2and applies to teacher candidates beginning January 1, 2011."
5.3Delete the title and insert:
5.5relating to education; clarifying the definition of comprehensive scientifically
5.6based reading instruction; establishing requirements for reading instruction
5.7applicable to colleges and universities with approved teacher preparation
5.8programs; requiring an assessment of reading instruction portion of the
5.9examination of licensure-specific teaching skills;amending Minnesota Statutes
5.102008, sections 122A.06, subdivision 4; 122A.09, subdivision 4; 122A.18,
5.11subdivision 2a."