1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 1086, the first engrossment, as follows:
1.2Page 4, after line 3, insert:
1.3 "
Subd. 4. Special review. (a) A project receiving an appropriation or appropriations
1.4from the parks and trails fund totalling $10,000,000 or more in a biennium is subject to the
1.5following requirements:
1.6(1) the attorney general must review and approve all contracts and real estate
1.7transactions, including conservation easements, and make a determination of whether they
1.8are in the best interest of the state and whether they meet all applicable requirements; and
1.9(2) a second appraisal, meeting the state appraisal requirements for land acquisitions
1.10under section 84.0272, must be conducted and approved by the commissioner of natural
1.11resources for all real estate transactions, including conservation easements."
1.12Page 5, line 23, strike "staffing and related"
1.13Page 5, line 24, delete the comma and insert a semi colon and strike "the
1.14compensation and travel" and insert "
office expenses; and per diem, mileage, and lodging"
1.15Page 5, line 25, after "members" insert "
pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, section
1.1697A.056, subdivision 2;" and delete the comma
1.17Page 5, line 26, delete the second comma and insert a semi colon
1.18Page 10, after line 34, insert:
1.19 "Sec. 12. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 97A.056, is amended by adding a
1.20subdivision to read:
1.21 Subd. 12. Special review. (a) A project receiving an appropriation or appropriations
1.22from the outdoor heritage fund totalling $10,000,000 or more in a biennium is subject to
1.23the following requirements:
1.24(1) the attorney general must review and approve all contracts and real estate
1.25transactions, including conservation easements, and make a determination of whether they
1.26are in the best interest of the state and whether they meet all applicable requirements; and
2.1(2) a second appraisal, meeting the state appraisal requirements for land acquisitions
2.2under section 84.0272, must be conducted and approved by the commissioner of natural
2.3resources for all real estate transactions, including conservation easements."
2.4Page 11, line 19, after the period insert "
Information classified as not public under
2.5section 13D.05, subdivision 3, paragraph (d), is not required to be placed on the Web site."
2.6Page 12, after line 6, insert:
2.7 "
Subd. 4. Special review. (a) A project receiving an appropriation or appropriations
2.8from the clean water fund totalling $10,000,000 or more in a biennium is subject to the
2.9following requirements:
2.10(1) the attorney general must review and approve all contracts and real estate
2.11transactions, including conservation easements, and make a determination of whether they
2.12are in the best interest of the state and whether they meet all applicable requirements; and
2.13(2) a second appraisal, meeting the state appraisal requirements for land acquisitions
2.14under section 84.0272, must be conducted and approved by the commissioner of natural
2.15resources for all real estate transactions, including conservation easements."
2.16Page 13, line 13, delete "
A project or program receiving"
2.17Page 14, after line 4, insert:
2.18 "
Subd. 4. Special review. (a) A project receiving an appropriation or appropriations
2.19from the arts and cultural heritage fund totalling $10,000,000 or more in a biennium
2.20is subject to the following requirements:
2.21(1) the attorney general must review and approve all contracts and real estate
2.22transactions and make a determination of whether they are in the best interest of the state
2.23and whether they meet all applicable requirements; and
2.24(2) a second appraisal, meeting the state appraisal requirements for land acquisitions
2.25under section 84.0272, must be conducted and approved by the commissioner of natural
2.26resources for all real estate transactions, including conservation easements."
2.27Renumber the sections in sequence and correct the internal references
2.28Amend the title accordingly