1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 1122, the first engrossment, as follows:
1.2Page 10, delete lines 25 to 34
1.3Page 11, delete lines 1 to 10
1.4Page 54, after line 30, insert:

1.6(a) Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, section 35.085, the Board of Animal Health
1.7may make onetime grants to certain beef cattle producers participating in the bovine
1.8tuberculosis herd buyout authorized in Minnesota Statutes, section 35.086, from the
1.9$100,000 appropriation for reimbursements in Laws 2007, chapter 45, article 1, section 4.
1.10(b) A buyout participant is eligible for payment under this section if the Board of
1.11Animal Health quarantined the participant's herd and required the participant to sell young
1.12cattle at slaughter rather than as feeder cattle.
1.13(c) For each head of cattle sold at slaughter under paragraph (b), the Board of
1.14Animal Health must pay the difference between the fair market feeder cattle value at the
1.15time of sale, as determined by the Board of Animal Health, and the documented slaughter
1.16price received by the participant.
1.17EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective the day following final enactment."
1.18Renumber the sections in sequence