1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 1179, the delete everything amendment
1.2(H1179DE2), as follows:
1.3Page 16, line 1, delete "whether or not the student received a passing" and insert
1.4"the student's"
1.5Page 16, line 17, strike "(e)" and insert "(f)"
1.6Page 17, line 1, delete "and" and insert "or"
1.7Page 17, line 3, after "and" insert "items that"
1.8Page 18, line 18, after "that" insert "should be introduced and developed for"
1.9Page 18, line 19, delete "need introduced and developed"
1.10Page 18, line 23, after "providing" insert "supplementary," and delete "supplement
1.12Page 19, line 19, after "section" insert "have been implemented so as to"
1.13Page 43, line 17, strike "under section 15.059, except that" and insert a period
1.14Page 43, line 30, delete "Notwithstanding section 15.059, subdivision 5,"
1.15Page 45, lines 24 and 25, delete the new language
1.16Page 57, line 19, reinstate "years"
1.17Page 81 delete section 17
1.18Page 82, line 32, after "121A.43;" insert "125A.03;"
1.19Renumber the sections in sequence and correct the internal references
1.20Amend the title accordingly