1.1.................... moves to amend H. F. No. 1186 as follows:
1.2Delete everything after the enacting clause and insert:
1.3 "Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 120B.31, subdivision 3, is amended to
1.5 Subd. 3.
Educational accountability. (a) The Independent Office of Educational
1.6Accountability, as authorized by Laws 1997, First Special Session chapter 4, article 5,
1.7section 28, subdivision 2, is established, and shall be funded through the Board of Regents
1.8of the University of Minnesota. The office shall advise the education committees of the
1.9legislature and the commissioner of education, at least on a biennial basis, on
1.10(1) the degree to which the statewide educational accountability and reporting system
1.11includes a comprehensive assessment framework that measures school accountability
1.12for students achieving the goals described in the state's
results-oriented high school
1.13graduation rule
1.14(2) the completeness, integrity, and use of the information provided by the statewide
1.15educational accountability and reporting system in the context of enabling legislators and
1.16other stakeholders to make fully informed education policy decisions consistent with the
1.17best and most current academic research available; and
1.18(3) the impact the statewide educational accountability and reporting system has on
1.19prekindergarten through grade 12 education policy, effectiveness, resource distribution,
1.20and structure.
1.21(b) The office shall determine and annually report to the legislature whether and
1.22how effectively:
1.23 (1) the statewide system of educational accountability
utilizes uses multiple
1.24indicators to provide valid and reliable comparative and contextual data on students,
1.25schools, districts, and the state, and if not, recommend ways to improve the accountability
1.26reporting system;
2.1 (2)
the commissioner makes statistical adjustments when reporting student data over
2.2time, consistent with clause (4);
2.3 (3) the commissioner uses indicators of student achievement growth a value-added
2.4indicator of student achievement over time
and a value-added assessment model that
2.5estimates the effects of the school and school district on student achievement
to measure
2.6and measures school performance, consistent with section
120B.36, subdivision 1
2.7120B.35, subdivision 3;
2.8 (4) (3) the commissioner makes data
are available on students who do not pass one
2.9or more of the state's required GRAD tests and do not receive a diploma as a consequence,
categorizes these data
are categorized according to gender, race, eligibility for free
2.11or reduced lunch, and English language proficiency; and
2.12 (5) (4) the commissioner fulfills the requirements under section
2.13subdivision 2
are met.
2.14 (b) (c) When the office reviews the statewide educational accountability and
2.15reporting system, it shall also consider:
2.16 (1) the objectivity and neutrality of the state's educational accountability system; and
2.17 (2) the impact of a testing program on school curriculum and student learning.
2.18 Sec. 2.
2.19$....... in fiscal year 2010 and $....... in fiscal year 2011 is appropriated from the
2.20general fund to the Board of Regents of the University of Minnesota for the Office of
2.21Educational Accountability under Minnesota Statutes, section 120B.31, subdivision 3.
2.22Any balance in the first year does not cancel but is available in the second year. The
2.23base appropriation for the Office of Educational Accountability in fiscal years 2010 and
2.242011 is $....... each year."
2.25Amend the title accordingly