1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 1231, the delete everything amendment
1.2(H1231DE4), as follows:
1.3Page 54, line 6, after the period insert "Each grant program established within
1.4this appropriation shall be separately administered from other state appropriations for
1.5program planning and outcome measurements, but may take into consideration other state
1.6resources awarded in the selection of applicants and grant award size. Distinctive goals
1.7and measurable outcomes shall be established and reported on."
1.8Page 54, line 29, after "creation" insert "and conduct"
1.9Page 54, line 30 delete "works" and insert "organizations"
1.10Page 54, line 33, after "board" insert "and conducted in partnership with the regional
1.11arts councils"
1.12Page 58, line 2, before "services" insert "public collections, museums, programs and"
1.13Page 58, line 3, after "exist," insert "the depth of the collection or program as it
1.14relates to the geographic, topic focus and timeframes covered,"
1.15Page 63, line 32, before "renovation" insert "restoration and"
1.16Page 64, after line 20, insert
1.17"(d) Of these funds, $150,000 in 2010
1.18is appropriated to the commissioner for
1.19the creation and conduct of a census of
1.20public school based arts education offerings
1.21during the school day and in after-school
1.22noncompetitive activities, and of arts
1.23education opportunities for persons of all
1.24ages through community education and in
1.25nonprofit community based programs."
1.26Page 64, line 23, after "arts" insert "and arts education"
1.27Page 82, line 27, delete "must be requested and" and insert "may be "
2.1Page 82, line 28, delete everything after "project"
2.2Page 82, delete lines 29 and 30 and insert "or for part of a project so long as the
2.3recipient provides a description and cost for the entire project and can demonstrate that it
2.4has adequate resources to ensure that the entire project will be completed."
2.5Page 84, line 25 after the period insert "The joint subcommittee shall select
2.6representatives to participate in the collaborative project created under paragraph (a)."
2.7Page 84, line 33, after "organization" insert "serving youth, and an arts education
2.8organization serving adults"
2.9Page 95, after line 11, insert:

2.10    "Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 18G.11, is amended by adding a
2.11subdivision to read:
2.12    Subd. 3. First detectors. The commissioner shall arrange ongoing tree pest first
2.13detector training for county and municipal noxious weed inspectors and field staff
2.14of the Department of Natural Resources. The commissioner shall provide training
2.15opportunities without cost to local units of governments and shall encourage all local
2.16units of government to maintain at least one staff person who is responsible for tree pest
2.17detection and trained under this subdivision."
2.18Page 95, line 12, delete "INVASIVE SPECIES" and insert "FOREST
2.20Page 95, line 13, delete "$2,000,000" and insert "$1,875,000"
2.21Page 95, line 15, delete "rapidly and effectively respond" and insert "protect
2.22Minnesota forests by rapidly and effectively responding" and delete "terrestrial"
2.23Page 95, line 16, delete "invasive species including"
2.24Page 95, line 20, delete "terrestrial invasive species" and insert "tree pests"
2.25Page 95, after line 23, insert:

2.27$125,000 is appropriated in fiscal year 2010 from the outdoor heritage fund to
2.28the Minnesota Forest Resources Council to support its Forest Protection Task Force in
2.29developing a more detailed tree pest response plan to protect Minnesota forests that
2.30involves all stakeholders. The task force shall focus its work on emerald ash borer but also
2.31shall consider other tree pests that threaten the forests of Minnesota. Both the Departments
2.32of Agriculture and Natural Resources shall provide expertise and advice to the task
2.33force and shall report the task force's findings and recommendations to the governor and
2.34legislature by December 15, 2009. The report must address:
3.1(1) recommendations for further clarifying the roles and responsibilities of state and
3.2local governments in tree pest prevention, detection, response, and remediation and on
3.3the use of federal, state and local funds;
3.4(2) recommendations regarding more effective governmental responses to preventing
3.5the introduction and spread of tree pests including further regulation and monitoring of the
3.6movement and sale of firewood and other potentially infected wood and responsibilities
3.7for enforcement; and
3.8(3) program, policy or infrastructure gaps that prevent achievement of an effective
3.9statewide invasive tree pest network."
3.10Renumber the sections in sequence and correct the internal references
3.11Amend the title accordingly