1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 1270 as follows:
1.2Page 2, after line 3, insert:
1.3 "Sec. 2.
1.5(a) Dodge, Fillmore, Olmsted, Tri-county and Hennepin Community Corrections,
1.6Ramsey County, and any other county or community corrects department that wishes to
1.7participate shall develop a proposal for a pilot project for a secure residential center and
1.8supervision of persons facing revocation of their supervised release or execution of a
1.9stayed prison sentence. The proposal must address the care, custody, and programming
1.10for offenders assigned to the facility as an intermediate sanction prior to revocation or
1.11execution of a stayed prison sentence.
1.12(b) The counties must consider the following factors in developing the proposal:
1.13(1) type and length of programming for offenders, including supervision, mental
1.14health and chemical dependency treatment options, and educational and employment
1.15readiness opportunities;
1.16(2) medical care;
1.17(3) the transport of offenders to and from any facility;
1.18(4) detailed current and future costs and per diems associated with the facility;
1.19(5) admission and release procedures of the proposed facility;
1.20(6) intended outcomes of the pilot project; and
1.21(7) other factors deemed appropriate for consideration by the counties.
1.22(c) By December 1, 2009, the counties of Ramsey and Olmsted and Hennepin
1.23shall report the pilot project proposal to the chairs and ranking minority members of the
1.24legislative committees having jurisdiction over public safety policy and finance."