1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 1538 as follows:
1.2Page 1, delete lines 8 to 15 and insert:
(a) A school district must use five percent of the basic revenue it receives each year
1.4to implement evidence-based innovation premised on research-based curriculum and
1.5instruction and other education programs and practices, including best teaching practices,
1.6that are known to improve academic performance for diverse groups of students. A school
1.7district must submit a plan to the commissioner that describes how the district proposes
1.8to use its innovation revenue to supplement state reading requirements under section
1.9120B.12, subdivision 1, and state math and science requirements under section 120B.023,
1.10subdivision 2, paragraphs (b) and (d), and improve student outcomes. The plan must:
1.11(1) identify specific education goals, consistent with this section, and the indicators
1.12to demonstrate progress toward achieving those goals, which may include a value-added
1.13assessment model under sections 120B.35 and 120B.362;
1.14(2) supplement current district initiatives that may transform district programs and
1.15practices sufficient to significantly improve student outcomes; and
1.16(3) demonstrate how innovation revenue helps narrow and eliminate differences in
1.17student academic achievement in reading, math, and science based on student measures of
1.18mobility, attendance, race and ethnicity, gender, English language learner status, eligibility
1.19for free or reduced price lunch, and special education, among other outcomes.
1.20(b) After transmitting its plan to the commissioner, a district must spend its
1.21innovation revenue effectively and efficiently, consistent with its plan. A school district
1.22that receives innovation revenue under this section must report annually by June 30
1.23to the commissioner and post on the district's official Web site reliable and accessible
1.24information and supporting longitudinal data showing the amount of progress the district
1.25made in the immediately preceding school year and previous school years in realizing its
1.26innovation revenue goals. The commissioner must analyze the data from the annual
1.27district reports and post the analysis on the department's official Web site."