1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 1673, the first engrossment, as follows:
1.2Page 1, line 7, delete "
executed" and insert "
purchased in whole or in part with state
1.3funds appropriated" and delete "
purchased in"
1.4Page 1, line 8, delete "
whole or in part with state funds,"
1.5Page 1, line 17, before "
conservation" insert "
permanent" and delete "
executed" and
1.6insert "
purchased in whole or in part with state funds appropriated"
1.7Page 1, line 18, delete "
that is purchased in whole or in part with state funds,"
1.8Page 1, line 21, delete "
conservation easement that transfers a conservation
1.9easement" insert "
permanent conservation that transfers the conservation easement"
1.10Page 2, line 4, after "
funds" insert "
appropriated on or after July 1, 2009"