1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 1741, the delete everything amendment
1.2(A10-2300), as follows:
1.3Page 3, delete lines 5 to 12
1.4Page 3, line 13, delete "(d)" and insert "(c)"
1.5Page 4, delete line 18 and insert "the unexpended balance is canceled. By June 30,
1.62010, the commissioner of management and budget shall transfer the unexpended balance
1.7from the special revenue fund to the general fund."
1.8Page 5, delete line 2 and insert "the unexpended balance is canceled. By June 30,
1.92010, the commissioner of management and budget shall transfer the unexpended balance
1.10from the special revenue fund to the general fund."
1.11Page 5, after line 2, insert:
1.12"(g) The unexpended balance from the
1.13appropriation from the special revenue
1.14fund to the commissioner of commerce in
1.15Laws 2007, chapter 57, article 2, section
1.163, subdivision 1, for continued funding of
1.17community energy technical assistance and
1.18outreach on renewable energy and energy
1.19efficiency, is canceled. By June 30, 2010, the
1.20commissioner of management and budget
1.21shall transfer the unexpended balance from
1.22the special revenue fund to the general fund.
1.23(h) The unexpended balance from the appropriation from the special revenue fund to
1.24the commissioner of commerce for funding of community energy technical assistance and
1.25outreach of renewable energy and energy efficiency, as described in Minnesota Statutes,
1.26section 216C.385, is canceled. By June 30, 2010, the commissioner of management
2.1and budget shall transfer the unexpended balance from the special revenue fund to the
2.2general fund."