1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 2049 as follows:
1.2Page 1, line 10, delete "
article" and insert "
1.3Page 17, line 19, delete "
for scientific and"
1.4Page 17, line 20, delete "
natural areas"
1.5Page 17, delete lines 31 to 33 and insert:
(ii) if seeds and plant material described in
1.7item (i) are not available, then the restoration
1.8must use seeds and plant materials from
1.9within the same ecotype region; or
1.10(iii) if seeds and plant material described
1.11in item (i) or (ii) are not available, then
1.12the restoration must use seeds and plant
1.13materials from within the same ecotype
1.14region or within 25 miles of the ecotype
1.15region boundary."
1.16Page 18, delete lines 1 and 2
1.17Page 18, delete lines 7 to 9
1.18Page 18, line 10, delete "
(5)" and insert "
1.19Page 18, delete lines 23 to 34
1.20Page 19, delete lines 1 to 12
1.21Page 19, line 13, delete "
(8)" and insert "
1.22Page 19, line 17, delete "
(9)" and insert "
1.23Page 20, line 3, delete "
(10)" and insert "
1.24Page 20, line 9, delete "
(9)" and insert "
1.25Page 20, line 13, delete "
(9)" and insert "
1.26Page 22, line 3, delete "
are" and insert "