1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 2123, the delete everything amendment
1.2(H2123DE1-3), as follows:
1.3Page 3, after line 6, insert:
A recipient of a grant funded by an
1.5appropriation under this section shall display
1.6on its Web site detailed information on
1.7the expenditure of the grant funds, and
1.8measurable outcomes as a result of the
1.9expenditure of funds. A recipient without
1.10an active Web site shall report to the agency
1.11by June 30, each year detailed information
1.12on the expenditure of the grant funds, and
1.13measurable outcomes as a result of the
1.14expenditure of funds."
1.15Page 11, after line 23, insert:
A recipient of a grant funded by an
1.17appropriation under this section shall display
1.18on its Web site detailed information on
1.19the expenditure of the grant funds, and
1.20measurable outcomes as a result of the
1.21expenditure of funds. A recipient without an
1.22active Web site shall report to the department
1.23by June 30, each year detailed information
1.24on the expenditure of the grant funds, and
1.25measurable outcomes as a result of the
1.26expenditure of funds."
1.27Page 27, after line 31, insert:
A recipient of a grant funded by an
2.2appropriation under this section shall display
2.3on its Web site detailed information on
2.4the expenditure of the grant funds, and
2.5measurable outcomes as a result of the
2.6expenditure of funds. A recipient without
2.7an active Web site shall report to the board
2.8by June 30, each year detailed information
2.9on the expenditure of the grant funds, and
2.10measurable outcomes as a result of the
2.11expenditure of funds."