1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 2150, the delete-everything amendment
1.2(H2150DE3), as follows:
1.3Page 6, line 20, delete "
and" and insert "
1.4Page 19, line 18, delete "
after" and insert "
1.5Page 27, delete section 37
1.6Page 36, line 3, delete "
PROGRAM" and insert "
1.7Page 36, line 15, delete "
SAGE" and insert "
1.8Page 42, line 30, delete "
$98,285,000" and insert "
1.9Page 43, line 2, delete "
31,242,000" and insert "
1.10Page 43, line 4, after "
Health" insert "
1.11Page 43, line 8, delete the second "
1,033,000" and insert "
1.12Page 43, after line 9, insert:
Support Services for Families With
1.14Children Who are Deaf or Have Hearing
1.15Loss. Of the state government special
1.16revenue fund amount, $289,000 in fiscal
1.17year 2011 is for support services to families
1.18with children who are deaf or have hearing
1.19loss. Of this amount, in fiscal year 2011,
1.20$192,000 is for grants, and in fiscal year
1.212012 $212,000 is for grants and the balance
1.22is for administrative costs."
1.23Page 43, delete lines 19 to 22 and insert:
Grants Reduction. Effective July 1,
1.252009, base level funding for general fund
1.26community and family health grants issued
1.27under this paragraph shall be reduced by 2.55
2.1percent at the allotment level. Effective July
2.21, 2011, base level funding for general fund
2.3community and family health grants issued
2.4under this paragraph shall be reduced by 5.5
2.5percent at the allotment level."
2.6Page 43, line 27, delete everything after the period
2.7Page 43, delete line 28
2.8Page 43, line 30, delete "
if" and insert "
2.9Page 43, line 32, delete "
may be used" and insert "
is available"
2.10Page 45, delete lines 16 to 19 and insert:
Grants Reduction. Effective July 1,
2.122009, base level funding for general fund
2.13health protection grants issued under this
2.14paragraph shall be reduced by 2.55 percent
2.15at the allotment level. Effective July 1,
2.162011, base level funding for general fund
2.17health protection grants issued under this
2.18paragraph shall be reduced by 5.5 percent at
2.19the allotment level."
2.20Page 47, line 34, delete "
3,924,000" and insert "
2.21Page 48, line 3, delete "
3,188,000" and insert "
2.22Page 48, after line 5, insert:
Ambulance Trust
2.27Page 48, line 7, delete "
2.28Page 48, delete lines 13 to 17 and insert:
Transfer. In fiscal year 2010, $100,000
2.30is transferred from the Cooper/Sams
2.31volunteer ambulance trust, established under
2.32Minnesota Statutes, section 144E.42, to the
2.33general fund."
2.34Page 49, line 9, delete "
44,058,000" and insert "
2.35Page 49, line 18, delete "
7,867,000" and insert "
2.36Page 49, delete lines 19 to 24 and insert:
For the economic development and housing
3.2challenge program under Minnesota Statutes,
3.3section 462A.33. Of this amount, $1,395,000
3.4each year shall be made available during the
3.5first 11 months of the fiscal year exclusively
3.6for housing projects for American Indians.
3.7Any funds not committed to housing projects
3.8for American Indians in the first 11 months
3.9of the fiscal year shall be available for any
3.10eligible activity under Minnesota Statutes,
3.11section 462A.33."
3.12Page 49, after line 24, insert:
Base Adjustment. Beginning July 1, 2011,
3.14the base is reduced by $1,150,000."
3.15Page 52, line 7, delete "
; Appropriation"
3.16Page 52, line 29, delete "
served" and insert "
3.17Page 53, line 23, after "
Funding" insert a period
3.18Page 53, line 24, after "
the" insert "
3.19Page 53, delete line 25
3.20Page 53, line 33, after the period insert "
Beginning July 1, 2011, the base is increased
3.21by $119,000 each year."
3.22Renumber the sections in sequence and correct the internal references
3.23Amend the title accordingly
3.24Adjust amounts accordingly