1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 2301 as follows:
1.2Page 1, line 15, delete "
$1,500,000" and insert "
$1,170,000" and delete "
1.3and insert "
1.4Page 1, line 16, delete "
$1,450,000" and insert "
1.5Page 1, line 17, delete "
$2,900,000" and insert "
1.6Page 1, after line 19, insert:
(5) $330,000 the first year and $330,000 the second year are for a transfer to the
1.8Board of Water and Soil Resources for technical assistance and grants to establish a
1.9conservation drainage program in consultation with the drainage workgroup that consists
1.10of pilot projects to retrofit existing drainage systems with water quality improvement
1.11practices, evaluate outcomes, and provide outreach to landowners, public drainage
1.12authorities, drainage engineers and contractors, and others."