1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 2614, the delete everything amendment
1.2(H2614DE2) as follows:
1.3Page 47, line 23, after the period insert "
A contracting hospital may limit the
1.4number of general assistance medical care enrollees its serves, but must comply with the
1.5emergency care requirements of 42 U.S.C. 1395dd (EMTALA)."
1.6Page 47, line 33, after the period insert "
A contracting hospital may limit the number
1.7of high-cost or medically complex procedures it provides to general assistance medical
1.8care enrollees, if the limitation is due to capacity or resource constraints and the limit on
1.9procedures is applied to all patients regardless of payor source."
1.10Page 49, line 5, after "
(d)" insert "
A hospital must provide access to cost-effective
1.11outpatient services available in its service area."
1.12Page 49, line 6, after "
with" insert "
federally qualified health centers and"
1.13Page 50, line 30, after the first comma insert "
adjusted for any limits on the number
1.14of general assistance medical care enrollees accepted by a hospital,"