1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 2659, the first engrossment, as follows:
1.2Page 1, line 13, strike ", using criteria" and delete "
in effect on"
1.3Page 1, line 14, delete "
January 1, 2010"
1.4Page 1, line 16, strike ", using criteria" and delete "
in effect on January 1, 2010,"
1.5Page 2, line 18, before the period insert "
and the agency may issue one"
1.6Page 2, line 24, delete "
1.7Page 2, line 25, delete everything after "
shall" and insert "
combine the federal
1.8construction stormwater permit with the state disposal system permit"
1.9Page 2, line 26, delete "
national pollution discharge elimination system permit"
1.10Page 2, line 27, reinstate "(f)"
1.11Page 2, line 30, after the stricken period insert "
The general permit that the agency
1.12issues to satisfy the provisions of paragraph (a), clause (3), shall include all of the terms
1.13and conditions of permit MNG440000, but shall eliminate the references that it is a
1.14permit or authorization to construct or operate a concentrated animal feeding operation
1.15under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System. The permit will be in effect
1.16February 1, 2011, through expiration on January 31, 2016. To implement the provisions
1.17of paragraph (a), clauses (1) and (2), the individual state disposal system permit that the
1.18agency issues shall include all the provisions of the general state disposal system permit
1.19identified in this paragraph and any additional site specific conditions or compliance
1.20requirements as warranted."
1.21Page 3, delete lines 7 and 8 and insert:
EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective upon final enactment."