1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 2680, the first engrossment, as follows:
1.2Page 35, after line 10, insert:

1.5The commissioner of human services shall develop, and present to the legislature
1.6by December 15, 2010, a plan to establish a demonstration project to deliver inpatient
1.7hospital, primary care, and specialist services to general assistance medical care enrollees through coordinated
1.8care delivery organizations, beginning January 1, 2012. Each coordinated care delivery organization
1.9must deliver coordinated care through at least one hospital and one physician group practice, and may include counties and other health care
1.10providers. The coordinated care delivery organization must provide inpatient hospital services
1.11to general assistance medical care enrollees eligible for the program under Minnesota
1.12Statutes, sections 256D.03 or 256D.031. The coordinated care delivery organization must accept
1.13responsibility for the quality of care and must assume financial risk for the services
1.14provided. The plan must include:
1.15(1) financial incentives for coordinated care delivery organizations to reduce the growth in the
1.16volume and cost of services provided, while maintaining or improving the quality of care;
1.17(2) recommendations for the delivery of services not provided through a
coordinated care delivery organization and coordination of outpatient and inpatient health care
1.19services;1.20(3) recommendations as to the size and scope of the demonstration project and
1.21whether participation would be mandatory or voluntary for general assistance medical
1.22care enrollees; and.
(4) recommendations for managing financial risk within a coordinated care delivery organization."1.23Renumber the sections in sequence and correct the internal references
1.24Amend the title accordingly