1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 3094, the first engrossment, as follows:
1.2Page 12, after line 27, insert:
The findings must address the consistency of the proposed amendment with the
1.4values for which the river was included in the system, and potential impacts to the scenic,
1.5recreational, natural, historical, and scientific values of the land and water within the
1.6designated area."
1.7Page 15, delete subdivision 1
1.8Renumber the subdivisions in sequence
1.9Page 16, line 7, delete the third "
1.10Page 16, line 14, delete the period and insert "
; and"
1.11Page 16, after line 14, insert:
(6) The commissioner may waive any application requirements in this subdivision
1.13based on the source of water or the quantity of water to be appropriated."
1.14Page 16, line 21, delete "
supply management objectives in section" and insert
sustainability management objectives that protect ecosystems, water quality, and the
1.16needs of future generations."
1.17Page 16, delete line 22