1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 3109, the first engrossment, as follows:
1.2Page 1, line 24, before "
installation" insert "
1.3Page 2, line 26, after the period, insert "
A local government may limit the number of
1.4qualifying real properties for which a property owner may receive program financing."
1.5Page 2, delete line 33, and insert "
(3) require the inspection of all installations and
1.6performance verification of at least ten percent of the energy improvements"
1.7Page 3, line 1, delete "
1.8Page 3, line 2, delete "
applicant receiving" and insert "
applicant's repayment of"
1.9Page 3, line 3, delete "
renewable energy system" and insert "
energy improvements"
1.10Page 3, line 4, delete "
work" and insert "
energy improvements" and delete "
1.11and insert "
1.12Page 3, line 9, delete "
has a"
1.13Page 3, line 10, delete "
negative equity or"
1.14Page 3, after line 16, insert
1.15 "
Subd. 3. Retail and end use prohibited. Energy generated by an energy
1.16improvement may not be sold, transmitted, or distributed at retail and may not be provided
1.17for end use from an off-site facility of an electrical energy generator. On-site generation is
1.18allowed to the extent provided for in section 216B.1611.
1.19This section does not modify the exclusive service territories or exclusive right to as
1.20provided in sections 216B.37 to 216B.43."
1.21Renumber the subdivisions in section 2 in sequence
1.22Page 4, line 7, delete "
4" and insert "
1.23Page 4, after line 13, insert
1.24 "Sec. 3. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 429.021, subdivision 1, is amended to read:
1.25 Subdivision 1.
Improvements authorized. The council of a municipality shall have
1.26power to make the following improvements:
2.1(1) To acquire, open, and widen any street, and to improve the same by constructing,
2.2reconstructing, and maintaining sidewalks, pavement, gutters, curbs, and vehicle parking
2.3strips of any material, or by grading, graveling, oiling, or otherwise improving the same,
2.4including the beautification thereof and including storm sewers or other street drainage
2.5and connections from sewer, water, or similar mains to curb lines.
2.6(2) To acquire, develop, construct, reconstruct, extend, and maintain storm and
2.7sanitary sewers and systems, including outlets, holding areas and ponds, treatment plants,
2.8pumps, lift stations, service connections, and other appurtenances of a sewer system,
2.9within and without the corporate limits.
2.10(3) To construct, reconstruct, extend, and maintain steam heating mains.
2.11(4) To install, replace, extend, and maintain street lights and street lighting systems
2.12and special lighting systems.
2.13(5) To acquire, improve, construct, reconstruct, extend, and maintain water works
2.14systems, including mains, valves, hydrants, service connections, wells, pumps, reservoirs,
2.15tanks, treatment plants, and other appurtenances of a water works system, within and
2.16without the corporate limits.
2.17(6) To acquire, improve and equip parks, open space areas, playgrounds, and
2.18recreational facilities within or without the corporate limits.
2.19(7) To plant trees on streets and provide for their trimming, care, and removal.
2.20(8) To abate nuisances and to drain swamps, marshes, and ponds on public or private
2.21property and to fill the same.
2.22(9) To construct, reconstruct, extend, and maintain dikes and other flood control
2.24(10) To construct, reconstruct, extend, and maintain retaining walls and area walls.
2.25(11) To acquire, construct, reconstruct, improve, alter, extend, operate, maintain, and
2.26promote a pedestrian skyway system. Such improvement may be made upon a petition
2.27pursuant to section
429.031, subdivision 3.
2.28(12) To acquire, construct, reconstruct, extend, operate, maintain, and promote
2.29underground pedestrian concourses.
2.30(13) To acquire, construct, improve, alter, extend, operate, maintain, and promote
2.31public malls, plazas or courtyards.
2.32(14) To construct, reconstruct, extend, and maintain district heating systems.
2.33(15) To construct, reconstruct, alter, extend, operate, maintain, and promote fire
2.34protection systems in existing buildings, but only upon a petition pursuant to section
2.35429.031, subdivision 3
3.1(16) To acquire, construct, reconstruct, improve, alter, extend, and maintain highway
3.2sound barriers.
3.3(17) To improve, construct, reconstruct, extend, and maintain gas and electric
3.4distribution facilities owned by a municipal gas or electric utility.
3.5(18) To purchase, install, and maintain signs, posts, and other markers for addressing
3.6related to the operation of enhanced 911 telephone service.
3.7(19) To improve, construct, extend, and maintain facilities for Internet access and
3.8other communications purposes, if the council finds that:
3.9(i) the facilities are necessary to make available Internet access or other
3.10communications services that are not and will not be available through other providers or
3.11the private market in the reasonably foreseeable future;
3.12(ii) the service to be provided by the facilities will not compete with service provided
3.13by private entities.
3.14(20) To assess affected property owners for all or a portion of the costs agreed to
3.15with an electric utility, telecommunications carrier, or cable system operator to bury or
3.16alter a new or existing distribution system within the public right-of-way that exceeds the
3.17utility's design and construction standards, or those set by law, tariff, or franchise, but only
3.18upon petition under section
429.031, subdivision 3.; and
3.19(21) To assess affected property owners for repayment of voluntary energy
3.20improvement financings under section 216C.436, subdivision 6.
3.21EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective the day following final enactment."
3.22Renumber the sections in sequence and correct the internal references
3.23Amend the title accordingly