1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 3300, the first engrossment, as follows:
1.2Page 22, line 7, delete "on each statutory factor" and insert "to show that the person
1.3is entitled to the requested relief"
1.4Page 22, line 7, after the period insert "If the petitioning party has met this burden,
1.6Page 22, line 8, strike "the respondent is in need of" and insert "discharge or
1.7provisional discharge should be denied"
1.8Page 22, line 9, strike "commitment"
1.9Page 22, line 9, delete everything after the period, and insert:"A party seeking a
1.10transfer pursuant to section 253B.18, subdivision 6, or section 253B.185, subdivision 11,
1.11must establish by a preponderance of the evidence that transfer is appropriate."
1.12Page 22, delete line 10