1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 3421, the first unofficial engrossment
1.2(UEH3421-1), as follows:
1.3Page 4, line 30, after "
scoring" insert "
so that beginning the second year a
1.4computerized test is administered and as soon as practicable during the first year a
1.5computerized test is administered, the exam results of students who take computerized
1.6tests are available to the school or district within two full school days after the exam is
1.7administered, among other design characteristics"
1.8Page 6, line 6, after "
scoring" insert "
so that beginning the second year a
1.9computerized test is administered and as soon as practicable during the first year a
1.10computerized test is administered, the exam results of students who take computerized
1.11tests are available to the school or district within two full school days after the exam is
1.12administered, among other design characteristics"